Campaign Platform for Majester

Day 766, 15:26 Published in Australia USA by Majester
Campaign Platform
OR Why should I vote for Majester?

* Majester is a stand-up guy who goes out of his way to help. He regularly helps save people from their own stupidity, because he's been there, done that, burnt the T-shirt.
* Majester thoroughly distrusts Indonesian politicians and their duplicity. He knows that they never give anything freely and only understand economic pressure.

Issues & Views" width="100" height="100" align="right" />
"Australia is an excellent country - that's why I returned here after many travels around the world. The wellness programmes are well thought out and the tax regime solid enough to support them. The country is very friendly to new and higher skilled players alike, but it lacks lustre to the mid-skilled. While not necessarily a critical issue, it remains an interesting challenge nonetheless to keep citizens in Australia and players in the game."

"The total population of Australia is a pertinent issue. It impacts both defence and economics. Economically, the more citizens we have, the more active workers businesses have to draw from. Companies and workers benefit from a fluid market that serves to increase wages and improve productivity. The more competitive our local market, the better Australian exporters are able to compete when they graduate. Australians win with an improved GDP immune from all but the worst ravages of international speculation."

Economics" width="100" height="100" align="right" />
"Australia needs to optimise what we are good at, and open our markets for the raw materials we lack. We need to establish strategic ties so that our manufacturing industries want for nothing and are globally competitive. Every company must reach the point where it is actively exporting. We will achieve this by gradually lowering protection on our high resource industries, remove protection from medium or low resource industries to encourage legal imports, and increasing efficiency in our manufacturing industry by gradually making them competitive through lowered tariffs."

"Our defence is our economic and political security. Ultimately, our defence is about numbers regardless of how well organised the military is. Citizens determine the size of the Wall and the appeal of trying to take Australia. If we are to be truly free from foreign domination we need new citizens and reliable allies. Sol is currently neutral but rapidly evolving into a defensive alliance. The Malaysian crisis brought us together and showed the Australia has a leadership responsibility to help free the world. Our current position with Indonesia and the questionable NAP forces us to choose EDEN or choose destruction. Our relatively low population makes us just small enough to be tempting. We must incite a baby boom to grow our numbers and back this up with a program to rapidly skill and rank them up through aggressive interactive programs. Let's make it so that they don't even consider attacking Australia again."

Military" border="0" alt="AAR Seal" height="100" width="100" align="right" />
"Australia needs a program of a gun a day for babies until they are no longer privates. This will make our military formidable and help retain new citizens. We also need two training wars a day, one which we order citizens to officially fight in. This is to help teach citizens to coordinate in times of crises, and can be turned into a fun interactive activity. The AAR needs armouries they can volunteer labour to to help build our stockpiles and allow them to more regularly receive supplies. By increasing the average rank in Australia, we are able to field a stronger army even though we do not have the population numbers of the larger countries. You must constantly prepare for war to ensure your freedom."

"Australia can only have a well dispersed population and a good total defence if every state has a Q5 hospital. Hospitals determine where people live. Hospitals determine what we value. Hospitals show that the government cares. New hospitals can be creatively funded by more than taxes. Donations, state lotteries, and even Resistance War Hero Auctions all have a place. Hospitals in every state ensure true freedom of movement and opportunity. Hospitals in every state ensure that all Australians can participate in Training Wars. Hospitals in all states show that we care about the whole of Australia and all Australians."

Western Australia & Foreign Policy
"Western Australia is one of the two jewels of the new world in terms of resources. As a matter of national pride it irks me that was lost. We must use all our ability to regain it and secure South Africa from Brazil. We can then turn towards Indonesia, and help liberate her colonies with the aid of Sol and EDEN.

If Western Australia is to be safe, my experience with Indonesia tells me they will lie and cheat every step of theway. They do not understand contracts and diplomacy. They need to feel our intent. If international trends are anything to judge by, the balance of power is set to transform dramatically within the next few months. While the world changes, all that remains constant is our will to win."

"I support PaPP because I love Australia. Australia is peaceful. Australia is business friendly. Australia takes care of its own. Let's keep it that way and build for a whole Australia."