Bumper Bonanza Forum Update

Day 2,011, 11:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Butjam

Dear all,

It’s with great excitement that I’ve come now to bring you an absolute avalanche of wonderful forumy goodness. I’m gonna’ do this as an article in game and in an announcement on the forums so that everybody can see just how hip and cool we are (For those looking for a definitive measurement it can be evaluated to 171/190). This is step 1 of a super cool overhaul that we’ve been working on behind the scenes for a while now on, the next big change is a little bit down the line (we’re only just agreeing on designs!) but it’s immense. Without further ado, let’s kick off!

Holy infraction points Batman, new rules?

Yes, we’ve been working hard to produce a brand new working set of rules. After feedback from the survey being that we were too harsh and cramping on everyones style like Keers in a barn dance, we decided to chill out. First of all, the amount of infraction points issued has dropped massively, from over 60 in a period of a month, to less than 10. To join with that, here’s an updated, simplified ruleset!

No multis: Don’t be an idiot, we can see all your posting information so it’d be daft for you to try and get around this. You’ll be found in the end and we’ll be quite annoyed. If you need a new account name, PM an admin and they will change it for you

Don’t ruin our advertising: The forums can continue to run because of some nifty little adverts that generate a little bit of money. If you post nudity, pornography, offensive images of copyright violations we risk losing our ads. Breaking the law by publishing peoples personal information is also not allowed. Please note, copyright violations means mainly links to illegal streaming/downloads. Please also take a second to consider turning adblock off whilst on the forums.

Don’t be nasty: Everybody else on this forum is a real person too, have respect for that. Offensive posts and abuse, especially racism will be treated seriously. We do not want to have to punish people, but you risk infraction points by breaking this rule and if it is done too often, you will be regrettably banned.

Be respectful: Dead forum members and the families of forum members are not to be targets of abuse, don’t attack those who can’t defend themselves.

Personal messages: Don’t be going round sending nasty PM’s to people, just because you didn’t post it doesn’t mean we can’t find out. If you’re being harassed, drop us a line and we’ll help you out.

Private forums
Leave private things private: Don’t go publishing things from private areas unless you have permission.
Private forum moderators: Private forums are modded by the creators and anyone else they get to help out. They’re not full moderators but still have some degree of power and it is their job to keep the private area following the rules. Admins and GMods can also moderate anywhere they have access to.
Usergroup settings: Please don’t fiddle with the names and colours of your usergroup.

Have fun, be funny: Most of all, have fun! Jokes and reaction pictures are allowed, but all things in moderation please, especially in Public Discussion. Try and keep your threads roughly on track, the mod team are about to nudge things in the right direction if needs be, or split posts if necessary, but will allow discussions to evolve.

Thank you in advance for sticking to the guidelines we've put down, remember if you have a problem it only takes a couple clicks to flag a post!

Many thanks,
The Forum Team

The main changes are a removal of the infamous backseat moderation rule, there are no longer infractions associated with that, but you may get a PM from a grumpy mod if you do it too often. When I wrote these rules, I aimed for simplicity and clarity to make them easier to follow and easier to point out where you’ve gone wrong. I’d also like to stress that most of these are guidelines too, and we’re not going to jump on you with a banhammer for toeing the line. We sincerely hope that we’ll all benefit from a fun and relaxed place to chat.

A glorious new dictator
Recently, Thomas765 realised that actually, he was way too cool to be stuck looking after the forums with us and managed to pull a runner when Frerk had his back turned

We opened up applications and started hunting. It was one of the most difficult decisions we’ve had to do after some excellent responses. We were looking for a well loved member of the community, full of wit and flair and a general all round nice guy. After remembering that I was already forum admin, we thought ‘Bugger it!’ and appointed the beloved Professor Moriarty to the role! As well as filling the gap left by Thomas, Moriarty is here to help with the next big thing....

Introducing.... the Butjammernaughts!
Congratulations to Zaphod Beeblebrox IV, for winning 5 gold in an excellent show of naming stuff with cool names. Although many might call this a pretty narcissistic name, I’d just like to remind you all that...

The name will probably change to something much more sensible once I’ve had my fun, but the aims of the team are simple: to increase the interaction of the forums and the game itself. A lot of people have already got in touch with me in regards to getting involved and I’m overwhelmed at the response from people looking to help improve something so even more of the community can enjoy it. The first step is the creation of a private board and group on the forums for us all to join where we will start to act as a think tank. Admins and moderators will also have access with me and Moriarty being the admins looking after it mainly, being that we’re the fun ones. You’ll get a lovely special colour on your forum name so everybody knows that you’re better than them, as well as a say into how we’re going to start making the forums more relevant. From running competitions and polls to giving out useful article links, I’m very excited about what this could mean. Sorry if you’ve already got in touch, but if you could please drop me a line so I know to add you to the group it’d be most appreciated!

Finally, a couple of goodbyes and an unexpected arrival
We were delighted with the number of people who applied to the admin position and wanted to get involved...

We did not, initially, expect to find a new admin if I’m honest, so imagine our surprise when we found an extra member to add to the team, Rodney McKay!

Rodney will be joining the team as a global moderator, replacing two long term, well respected members in Sir Humphrey Appleby, known also as ‘Minecrafting Instead’ and Talon Karrde. Appleby and Talon have been members of the team for as long as I can remember and their contribution has been phenomenal. It is with sadness that we see them go. A massive thank you from every member of the team and every member of the forums for the service you’ve provided us all.

That concludes this bumper announcement, we hope the changes are both well received and prove to work out well for everyone! Remember that if you haven’t already you can come over and join up at http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/ and jump into forums for your party, your military unit or just come and chat with the whole community in general, public discussion and off topic. The LGBT+ and Woldean Royal Court boards, devoted to discussions of sexuality/equality and our beloved King respectively are also great places to join, open to anyone, all you have to do is request access! We hope to see you soon,

Lots of love

Butjam and the rest of the forum team xxx