Bucks Gold

Day 798, 14:18 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

CC has discussed this whole unfortunate incident concering Bucks 25 gold that has been with held by IRH14254561346 dunno bucha numbers.

Personally I don't give a rats ass about it because it doesn't really concern me. Sure he's a CC member but one mans actions and lulz in no way make us responsible.
Seems Buck has some high up CC friends from the past and at there urgings and my agreement IRH2815y75t7895 has agreed to contact Buck $#%^ and make things right.

I have no idea what he did with the cash but he plans on paying it back. I hope he makes immediate contact with Buck to right this wrong.

At the time IRK23545232 was a bit of a noob and new to the game looking to make a quick buck lmao I love puns. He made a mistake and I hope that we can just forget this matter if it is corrected. Players should not be defined by one foul up made early in there eLife.

If it comes down to it CC will help cover his ass and help repayment. We look after our own even if they have *&^% up. We don't toss aside our troops like that. I will also send 5 gold of my personal funds to a charity of Bucks choice upon his comment and direction.

CC is about the lulz and messing with people but stealing is going a bit far even for us. I guess there is a line that a CC member can cross. I'd like to congratulate IRH78345687561 on finding it for us lol.

Commandant of the Crimson Canucks