Breaking news: War declaration on Iran

Day 759, 17:43 Published in USA USA by Aaron S

The United States has decided to seize the opportunity presented by the failed impeachment and banning of the Russian President. Due to game mechanics, the now-banned president of Russia cannot be removed from office for seven days. The US has taken this opportunity to gain a border with Iran's high iron region of Lioaning and present before Congress a declaration of war.

You may be asking yourself 'Why Iran, I thought Hungary was the target?!" The answer to this question lies in the strange borders of Erepublik. Head on over to to see what I am talking about. China has even more border issues than the eUS had early in WWIII. The bottom line is that the shortest route to Heilongiang is through Iran. We are, after all, working on a tight time frame here until Russia gets another president.

In other world events Peru is coming to assist Australia by declaring war on Brazil with hopes of also regaining their own Brazilian occupied territories.

-Aaron S