Brainstorming/spitballing the Natural Enemy Decision

Day 1,789, 02:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

I see eIreland is proposing and accepting no natural enemy again or should I say: eWimp is proposing no natural enemy and voting it in. Just the necessary trolling to get your attention, but really shouldn't we move from a Natural Enemy to a new Natural Enemy isn't that what an eCountry who is not afraid of its own shadow would do.

Ok enough with the motivation : "there there little Rikhian don't cry"

So lets brainstorm this a bit and I was a bit lazy again so didnt research everything but help me out in the comments if you want or write your own article.

So correct me if I'm wrong but do we need some kind of border with the country. A land border? Which would make England the only suitable candidate. Yet we Ne'd poland so I assume one doesnt need to share a border ergo Brazil/South Africa as well.

Size so lets go about double our own size which is 644 so that gives us about +-1300

35 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,461
36 Finland 1,274
37 Sweden 1,090
38 Israel 973
39 Uruguay 971
40 Paraguay 949
41 Australia 927
42 Latvia 885
43 India 861
44 Republic of Moldova 818
45 Japan 678
46 Estonia 647
47 Ireland 644
48 South Korea 636
49 Netherlands 541
50 Egypt 533
51 Czech Republic 522
52 Austria 509
53 Bolivia 506
54 Cyprus 505
55 Belgium 468
56 New Zealand 452
57 Switzerland 423
58 Philippines 419
59 Montenegro 389
60 Slovakia 387
61 Malaysia 386
62 South Africa 385
63 Saudi Arabia 326
64 Pakistan 314
65 Thailand 310
66 Norway 306
67 North Korea 284
68 Denmark 273
69 Singapore 203
70 United Arab Emirates 193

This is the point where our congress pluck out a hankey and have a snot fest. Let me guess top "oh they are so big" bottom "oh loook they are so small i cannot wipe a smallie boo hoo hoo"

Get over yourself we need a natural enemy. This is a game that is a beneficial game element stop arguing and get this in place.

Ok on a more serious note , this is quite a list. Which only leaves us with our final step

:Exclude alliance countries since this is up for vote I will just list our current alliance countries so that we can just use this as reference point which is:

Eden : Members:
1. Albania
2. Argentina
3. Belarus
4. Bosnia and Herzegovina
5. China
6. Croatia (+)
7. Greece
8. Ireland
9. Israel
10. Italy
11. Netherlands
12. Norway (+)
13. Portugal
14. Romania (+)
15. Taiwan
16. Turkey
17. Ukraine

Affiliated Non-Members
1. Australia
2. France
3. Iran
4. South Africa
5. Uruguay

So after that we can discuss it and come up with a decision. Please ignore the flaming but I am getting fed up with having no NE and most players would also.