Be Part of the newest social network that everyone is talking about!

Day 3,363, 07:49 Published in Slovenia Bosnia and Herzegovina by KraljLicno

Kaj je telegram? Kaj lahko počnem z njim?
Telegram je komunikacijska aplikacija, ki je osredotočena na hitrost in varnost delovanja. Je SuperDuperExtra hitra, simpl pa še đabe! Teregram lahko uporabljaš na vseh svojih napravah (GSMih, tablicah, prenosnikih, Pcjih,...) hkrati, sporočila pa se sinhronizirajo v realnem času (to naj bi pomenilo sproti, takoj,...).

Ko ga enkrat imaš, lahko z njim pošiljaš sporočila, slike, videe, datoteke (DOC, ZIP, MP3,...), kot tudi kreiraš grupe z do 5000 sodelujočih debaterjev ali kanalov za oddajanje neomejenim množicam. Svojim kontaktom lahko najdeš uporabniška imena na Telegramu. Telegram je praktično mix SMS in email sporočanja in lahko zadosti vse tvoje poslovne in osebne, tiste v zvezi s sporočilnim komuniciranjem. 😉

1. Inštalacija Telegrama:
🔴 download Telegram za Android
🔴 download Telegram za iPhone/iPad
🔴 download Telegram za Windows Phone

2. SMS aktivacija in registracija

Po instalaciji in prvem zagonu Telegrama se pojavi ikona z gumbom Start Messaging, ki ga seveda moraš klikniti!

Na naslednjem oknu te Telegram pobara po tvoji državi, ali pa ti jo že sam ponudi pravo, vpisati pa moraš GSM številko, da po SMSju prejmeš aktivacijsko kodo.

Prejeto aktivacijsko kodo moraš vpisati preden vstopiš v klepetalnico.

Po opravljeni verifikacije padeš v naslednje okno za registracijo, kjer boš vpisal tvoje ime.

🔴Kaj so uporabniška imena? Kako ga dobim?
V nastavitveni sekciji Telegrama lahko izbereš javno ime, po katerem te bo folk najdu, brez da ve tvojo GSM številko, in te kontaktiral. Da najdeš uporabnike kar vpišeš uporabniško ime v predel kontaktov.

🔴Kako deluje
Ko imaš uporabniško ime, lahko daš ljidem link Odprtje tega linka na njihovem GSMju jim bo avtomatsko zagnalo Telegram aplikacijo in odprlo čet s teboj. Šeraš lahko uporabniške linke s prijatelji, jim pošiljaš poslovne kartice ali jih pelješ na svojo internetno stran.

Tako te lahko ljudje na Telegramu kontaktirajo brez da poznajo tvojo GSM številko. Npr. jaz sem že nastavil svoje uporabniško ime na ''Persian_Punisher'', tako da če odpreš link na svojem browzerju, mi lahko pošlješ sporočilo (čeprav ne veš moje GSM številke)

Na tej točki že znaš uporabljati Telegram. Naj ti sedaj predstavim nekaj kanalov, ki so interesantni zate:

🔴 Erepublik Epic : kanal, ki te vedno obvesti, če je nekje na eRepublik epik bitka
Za Div 1 ~>
Za Div 2 ~>
Za Div 3 ~>
Za Div 4 ~>
Če imaš MP paket, te seveda zanimajo vsi štirje! 😛

🔴Slovenska javna grupa: sestavlja jo skoraj 40 ljudi, govorimo pa o vsem i svačem! 😃 Tema pogovora s prijatelji ni nikoli problem.

Link do Slovenske javne sobe (sem hotu napisat hiše! 😃 ):

🔴Slovenske prioritete: Za slovenske eBorce so tu objavljeni DO-ji, da lahko vedno dobiš posodobljene podatke o pomembnih bitkah, kjer je tvoja škoda pomembna za eDomovino.

Slovenske prioritete: ~>
Mimogrede, če imate še kakšno vprašanje, jih postavite v komentarjih ali pa mi pošljite sporočilo

What is Telegram? What do I do here?
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it’s super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers.

With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos and files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc), as well as create groups for up to 5000 people or channels for broadcasting to unlimited audiences. You can write to your phone contacts and find people by their usernames. As a result, Telegram is like SMS and email combined — and can take care of all your personal or business messaging needs.

1- Install Telegram App on your smartphone

🔴 download Telegram for Android
🔴download Telegram for iPhone/iPad
🔴download Telegram for Windows Phone

2- SMS activation and registration
When you launch the Telegram app after installing it, you will see the window showing Start Messaging button. Tap (touch and leave) the Start Messaging button.

In the next displayed screen, Telegram will ask you to select your country and to enter your phone number. After selecting your country and entering your phone number, tap Done at the top-right, Telegram will send an activation code via SMS to this phone number.

Enter the code which you received in your SMS from Telegram

After verification, Telegram will take you to its registration screen where it will ask you to enter your name. Enter your name then tap Done.

🔴What are usernames? How do I get one?
you can choose a public username in the Settings section of Telegram. If you do, anyone will be able to find you by your username and contact you – without having to know your phone number. To find people by username, just start typing any name in the search field of the Contacts section.

🔴How does work?
Once you've set up a username, you can give people a link. Opening that link on their phone will automatically fire up their Telegram app and open a chat with you. You can share username links with friends, write them on business cards or put them up on your website.

This way people can contact you on Telegram without knowing your phone number.
for example i already set my username as "Persian_Punisher so if you try to open on your browser you will be able to directly send msgs to me (even if u dont have my number)

at this point you are ready to use telegram , so let me show you some channels and groups which may be interesting for you 🙂

🔴 Erepublik Epic : a channel which alert you every time there is an epic battle.
For Div 1 Fighters ~>
For Div 2 Fighters ~>
For Div 3 Fighters ~>
For Div 4 Fighters ~>

and if you have MP you can join all these channels 😃

🔴 Slovenia Group : almost 40 people are part of this group , we talk about everything there and you always can find a topic to talk with your friends 😃

Slovenia Public Group ~>

🔴 Slovenia Prios : Gov will publish Daily order for slovenian soldiers there so you can always get last update about important battles which you should help to hit your dmg and your country

Slovenia Prios ~>