Attn: Construction Workers (Updated Higher Salaries)

Day 651, 12:08 Published in Canada Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00

Employees are needed at Caesar’s Villas in Canada.
Jobs available in this company:

Caesar's Villas

Amount Minimum Skill Daily salary
Ten 2 $3.00CAD
Five 5 $5.00CAD
Five 3 $3.50CAD
Two 6 $8.50CAD
One 0 $1.50CAD
One 7 $12.00CAD

If there is no job available for your skill type, please send me a PM and I will create one for you. If the salaries are not high enough, please send me a PM and we can negotiate.

For those now applying, welcome to Caesar’s Villas!

Gaius Julius Caesar00