And the Winners are... (eSouth African Awards)

Day 773, 00:11 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

Our 1st Award show finally comes to a riveting end! So many categories was a very very close call! Some people needed one, maybe two votes to overturn the results! This just shows that the nominees had great competition!

Other categories (as seen later), there was just no competition! The countries feelings were mutual when voting on certain characters.... but lets not keep this long...

So no more delay! Here are the results:

And the winners are... (Dramatic Drum Rolls)

1 ) Best Male Avatar:

And the winner is... Ovidiusza! His meercats seemed to knock the people off their feet! Karl Bauer's serious man with a gun came in a close second!

2 ) Best Female Avatar:

Ines Schumacher completely obliterated this category! And newcommer &quot😉ash" (Dashielle Hammett)
was runner up.

3 ) Most Favorite Male:

This was the most competitive category... and the votes were spread pretty thin... but a victor has arisen! Congrats to Enoch Root! It does seem that a person who knows how to work with money, brings in serious fame... 😉

4 ) Most Favorite Female:

In this category, there was a bit more competition... Its no surprise who won, Ines Schumacher, but newcomer Dashielle Hammett (Dash) seems to hold great promise for the future, taking up the second position!

5 ) Best Troll:

Believe it or not... this was a one vote difference.... (facepalm)... but luckily Amun Nefer took the prize! Exilious being runner up, and MuscleRoller getting a shockingly 2 pitiful votes.

6 ) Biggest Traitor to eSA:

The winner of this category took it with flying colours! Yes, you guessed it, Exilious! Well, at least he did not FAIL at this one thing... Here is your noddy badge...

Interesting though, Ajay, Zocky and Frederick all got a tie... and wizzie_don (who whipped eSA off the map) only got 2 votes....

7 ) Favorite President of 2009:

This was actually a close one believe it or not! But our PHUZA lady pulled it off! 🙂

In second, we have a not so forgotten legend, Jizzie McGuire! Enoch and Steven was tied close behind.

8 ) Favorite Newspaper of 2009:

The Phuza Lady seemed to be the best read of 2009! With The South African Truth and The Cape Weekly taking the runner up spot!

If you have not subscribed to these papers, please do so! As they have great reading material! 🙂 You wont be disappointed!

9 ) Hardest worker in eSA (forums/papers/party/ministry/any work):

Another category just taking votes like you cant believe! Congratz to the hardest worker, zamrg!
Seeing as its New Years, I hope you are taking a well deserved day off? 🙂

10) Upcoming Citizen

Yes, this is a "secret" category... And yes, no one voted here... But I believe there is a definite winner here...

Congratz Dash! I am sure the whole of eSA will agree! Keep up your amazing enthusiasm! 🙂

I want to thank all the people that nominated and voted! And especially congratulations to the winners! Please keep up the good work!

Unfortunately, our main sponsor got banned... so I am personally gonna give each winner Q1 Weapon and Q1 Food. (Except the traitors of course).

EDIT: I am gonna give Q3 weapons.

BUT, I ask and urge all other eSouth Africans to also donate to these people! They work hard, and do alot for this country! I feel that it is just right to reward them and say thank you! If you feel you want to give something to a non-winner, please feel free! 🙂

Well, thats me! I hope that everyone enjoyed this! And hopefully we can have more participants and nominations for 2010!

I am holding a poll on the awards... Did you enjoy it? Was it lame? Any suggestions? Please participate:

