And the Mudslinging Begins

Day 725, 17:29 Published in Canada Canada by Tantis

In my last article I congratulated William Duncan on being elected for a second term. Well now, I take it back and say, burn in hell. Burn... In... Hell... You see I defended William Duncan in the beginning of the article hoping this term he would be a better leader. I was wrong. He insulted an innocent new Canadian Citizen. Come on! Really?

William Duncan insulted a Canadian Citizen in this article Dear Mastah Mason Man, reading this article actually belittled me. I felt insulted. All this brings me back to my article ORDER 66. When ever William Duncan fears a threat to his seat of power he leashes out in anger and in fear. Is this a leader?

Heres a quote from William Duncan's Article

"Whether you like it or not, I am who I am, and I will be who I will be, and if I ever act differently than that, then I would be nothing more than a charlatan, and a fraud.

And that, Mastah Mason Man, is by far the worst example a President could ever provide as a leader of his people, and also as the representative of them." - WD

End Quote

So I ask you WD, "What are your thoughts on Respect? Should we believe your doing whats best for every Canadian Citizen? Do you think your doing a good job? Do you believe we fear you?"

Actually don't answer I know what you will say.

Your Answer to Question 1 - I couldn’t care less what race, religion, creed or boys-only club someone belongs to, and simply because someone happens to be a member of one does not mean they automatically deserve my respect.

Your Answer to Question 2 - Who's clothing whom?

Your Answer to Question 3 - I "may" think them? I "may" feel them?

Your Answer to the Final Question - You could address me as your Royal Highness, and kiss my ass from here to Parliament Hill.

Man just reading those I felt like a dumb ass. DAL, CSD and Scorpius... You three are the main supporters behind William Duncan. DAL you support him 100% and Scorpius you call all their shots so whether you like his insulting citizens or not you and DAL are part of it. CSD you are part of it indirectly until you get rid of the ego. Your ego ruins Canada. And your ego is ruining CSD. I want the best for Canada like many of us. If you know your not going to win an election than support someone who has the chance of winning. And another reason I put CSD up here because many of your members supported William Duncan.

Everyone who supported William Duncan can now see why others don't want him in office why Scorpius is always behind William Duncan. When a "supposed to be leader" insults someone like that, and this is not the first time, its just saying how is he still here. Hes just a puppet. DAL is controlling him and DAL is a puppet to Scorpius. Canada if you want to progress start to read between the lines observe everything.

Stay tuned, I will continue bringing the mudsling to a corrupted government