An eRep evil fairy tale: the little girl and the Robot.

Day 745, 11:03 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

Once upon a time in a far away online world there was a little evil girl.

She lived in an evil village somewhere in Iran. It was a small village, about a level 7 or 8. She was a lonely girl. Evil takes human shape only on very rare occasions, and even the evil bunny that lived in her garden; was frightened of her.

One particularly snowy Christmas eve, she made a snowman. Once she placed the old magic felt hat on its head it came alive! It was a miracle, an Evil Frosty! She had a friend to play, dance, and perform complex evil musical numbers with! After about three refrains of a wonderfully choreographed performance of 'tip toe, through the entrails, with me' a volcano erupted immediately melting the snowman.

Feeling emboldened by her magical creation, she started on the task of making another friend for her to danca' and singa' in the rain of blooda' with. She worked tirelessly in her workshop studying the evil sciences and evil magics.

She became well known around her evil village for the frosty incident. Word spread and eventually an evil army started hanging around wanting for her to lead them against the good people that apparently 'needed killing' or at least that was what the media said. Not being one to be tied down to other peoples' expectations the girl knew what she needed to do with the the Evil Robot she had started to create. An evil robot that was programed and designed for maximum killing strength and efficiency. A robot designed to kill the army and end their unfair expectations of her leadership.

A climatic battle ensued ending in a crescendo of pain, suffering, and perfect pitch. Despite having designed the robot for its maximal killing radius and having outsourced the robots code to superior Korean programmers; the poor robot was victorious yet destroyed in the fray. The little girl mourned the passing of her creation. soon she had a new creation to dote over, but that is another story.

After years of research and experiments she had developed a series of evil patents and trademarkable items that earned her enough money to be rich. And what does an evil person do when they become rich? They buy a principality in a far away nation. She became a beautiful evil princess. And moved to a nice little Indian village to act all aloof and wear a tiara.

The evil robot was not destroyed in the battle as everyone thought. After years of falling into disrepair an industrious and handsomely mustached citizen named Sleeve took it upon himself to fix and reprogram him. After all it was cheaper then buying a newer non-evil robot. Nowadays he can be found in the kingdom looking for a good deal and any hard worker to send down into the Oil mines.