Day 1,008, 22:53 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

So you see there is this election thingy coming up and I’m running in NT under the AMP banner. Mainly cause AMP people need someone to vote for there but also to annoy certain cretins that have been abusing our nation and stealing our oxygen.

I say no more to the O2 thieves! To the methane makers that are filling our atmosphere with their poison, GTFO you inbred clown farming wanna be Tasmanians!

I have a distinguished record and have created more than my fair share of carnage amongst the idiot children of the fallen empire. Even been endorsed by Ostin himself, the multi fail multi. “missy” he says, “relaly u the biggest B*&^% in all of erep”

After our decryption team figured out what he was actually saying I realised that he appreciated my hard work. The decryption is as follows “LEAVE ME ALONE MEANIE” If that’s not an endorsement then what is?

Cry baby cry, sweet tears are wasted. I have lots of other recommendations from the various children of the disgraced nation, feeble fools who have forgotten honour and the face of your fathers..... but I could rant forever.....

Vote Larni the only ATO candidate endorsed by Ostin the eGod of Cows.