American Spirit

Day 534, 16:57 Published in USA Hungary by Stadler City
Fighters of Freedom - People of USA

I thought USA is for freedom! They are in Iraq to give back their freedom. They are in Afghanistan to give back the freedom to the people of Afghanistan! But now, is USA free? Do they get instuctions from Romania, or are they for their own economy? Do they give money to Romania to conquer other people's home? Do they go for a region in Asia?

Freedom is the American spirit. Just like PEACE spirit! See Ukraine! We give their regions back! See India! We could easily invade them, but we don't! See South Africa! The same! Australia? They have the most of their regions, and they WILL have more!

The only reason for Austria still have a nation? Yeah, PEACE. Germany (Atlantis) would conquer Austian's homeland! Or see Atlantis TOs! The would Politically TakeOver China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia if there weren't anti-TO teams from PEACE. All these countries now have a congress and prime minister of their local people!

What about France? See the comments here: and you'll notice Atlantis want to conquer it! Sardinia? What did spanish (and Atlantis) soldiers do there? Conquered it!

Please think about it, and show the real American spirit! Don't let your emblems deflamed by Romanian orders! I was happy to see you are beside the Mexican freedom by giving Baja back 🙂 I really did see the American spirit working!

Don't be on the side of terrorist. You say you are against them!

All you people ARE the American spirit!!!