AirFrance flies with Serbia - celebrating 4 years of friendship !

Day 3,807, 12:55 Published in Serbia France by Diplomatie Francaise

Dear friends and allies,

Today i’m taking my pen to express the Serbian population all the friendship France developed with Serbia during the last years.

All of it started more than 4 years ago when Serbia, along with Slovenia, Romania and other countries created AsteriA. At the time France was a low-tier country, almost permanently deleted because of it’s 2 rubbers (which was the rarest bonus at the time).

When this new alliance came out, we decided to join it’s fight against Sirius. We joined LETO on March 7, 2014. From there, we’ve never left Serbia and our new allies. Even tho we periodically endured some tough times, we have been through great fight with Serbia and we’re now enjoying a massive asterian domination era.

But even we’ve been assisting AsteriA (with our own means) on major challenges such as taking down several alliances (Sirius, Aurora, Syndicate, Adriatica…), hunting down big countries, etc. There are still some moments our friends need some help and yesterday was one of these.

Indeed, Serbia, who has been wiping Hungary in the last weeks, had a serious RW in Central Hungary. Willing to help an old and priceless friend, France sent it’s best pilots and it was pretty fun !

We hope this friendship will last and even grow up \o/

Dragi prijatelji i saveznici,

Uzimam olovku u ruke da zahvalim srpkoj populaciji na prelepom prijateljstvu sa eFrancuskom koje smo dugo stvarali.
Sve je pocelo prije 4 godine, kada je eSrbija sa eSlovenijom, eRumunijom i ostalima, kreirala Asteriju.
U tom vremenu, eFrancuska je bila zemlja na donjoj lestvici eRepublika, stalno okupirana zbog 2 bonusa gume, koja su bila retkost u eRepubliku.
Kada se novi savez ( Asterija ) kreirala, odlucili smo da krenemo u borbu protiv SIRIUS-a.
Prikljucili smo se savezu LETO 7. marta 2014e godine.
Od tada, nikad nismo napustili eSrbiju niti nase saveznike.Imali smo mnogih teskih situacija i borbi, ali smo, isto toliko, imali i sjajnih zajednickih borbi sa eSrbijom i sada uzivamo u kompletnoj dominaciji Asterije.
Pomogli smo Asteriji, svojim sredstvima, protiv teskih zadataka kao sto su rusenje saveza SIRIUS, Aurora, Syndicate , Adriatica, borbe protiv velikih drzava i slicno.Uvek ima momenata kada je prijatelju potrebna pomoc i juce je bio taj momenat.
eSrbija, koja je obrisala eMadjarsku, imala je tezak RW u regiji Centralnoj Madjarska.
U zelji da pomogne starom prijatelju, eFrancuska je protiv eMadjarske poslala svoje najbolje pilote i bilo je zestoko !

Nadam se da ce nase prijateljstvo trajati dugo i da ce rasti i dostici vece nivoe ! \o/