ACP....the best interest of Australia?

Day 791, 22:56 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

On this day a very sad event occurred in Australian Politics.... The ACP, the Australian Communist Party broke into the top 5.

I congratulate the hard working members of the ACP for their willingness to pick at the carcass of the Australian Liberal Party and am indeed considering mass messaging the people of other parties so that the AMP will also rise to prominence at the expense of our integrity.

As some of you are well aware that after the recent P.T.O of the ADP, The Australian Military Party offered sanctuary to it's members. We offered them a place to come and rebuild. But due to the criticism and comments, cast upon it by a certain leader of the ACP party, I was forced to remove the offer so that the Australian Military Party remained pure and untarnished by the catastrophe that befell the ADP.

In hindsight perhaps the childish antics and immaturity voiced by the ACP member could now be considered a devious plot by the Communist Party to gain a top 5 position themselves and place Dean Kong into the Country Presidents Elections.

Congratulations A.C.P you have won your place in the Top 5, but you have sullied your reputation greatly.

A party that relies on such gutter tactics to attract members, will not last long. A party that possesses deceptive leaders, who stoop so low as to force honest attempts at assistance to be remove will not survive Australia's political climate.

I call for a unity eAustralia, let us remove this cursed and morally corrupt party from the top 5 as soon as possible. I openly invite anyone with queries or questions about the Australian Military Party to message me personally or simply join the party and become part of our daily discussions.
We welcome all into the AMP. A group based around Game Dynamics and integrity not bully-boy political maneuvering and questionable dealings.

Larni Kaddlestorm
Party President,
Australian Military Party
AMP Platform-