A Time When To Rise Again: Honesty, Truth and My Censure

Day 2,942, 10:31 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

For those that do know or not know I have been censured for voting for citizens without consulting the IES. I know the rules now. My own party the SFP has acknowledged this fault to me. That itself is a act of acknowledgement of truth for not preparing me for that. Even so I accept the same fault too.

I don't consider myself the hero that USA needs right now but I am censured which I can take it. To move on and learn from my mistakes. When I fall I just have get back up again.

As a new congressmen I am not the only one to run into this sort of thing. I shouldn't see this as derailment of what I want to achieve. However there should be no doubt that I am strong willed person that stands for what I believe in. It is my honesty of a first time congressmen to admit this error which I hope will be seen as a sign of respect for the courageous moment of truth I have come forth to admit to.

When the moment is right I will be the hero that the USA needs.