A Second Congressional Run: A March Towards The Future

Day 2,944, 17:24 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

As I was censured for approving citizens without consent the IES in my first term to which I accept my action and my party, I express my intent to run for a second congressional term. Since I don't see this as setback I see this as a learning experience. Beside the point I have learned quite a bit and interestingly in uncertain situations I put myself into. Therefore I must look to redeem myself and get back on the trail so I can get back in the area. First I must address to those that were expecting me to propose any my ideas I am sorry I let you down. I took the careful cautious road to learn the ropes. It was a time to sit back and see what I need edit in my congressional and add new ideas. As situations changes so do my ideas. For second term stances my platform has changed somewhat with some ideas I originally are pushed to the side. Apparently the challenge comes with the state of our dysfunctional union and through congress that is the real power where every right of every eAmerican and eUSA has the power to have a voice. Through my involvement as a first time congressmen I consider myself privileged to even have a voice because I chose to get involved with congress and proud to have that right.

It comes to great concern the dysfunction of the state of our nation. There are political parties that unwillingly to compromise from taxes to national defense. So we must ask ourselves if we as a nation our truly committed to America and what it needs to do to achieve success in this great eWorld of ours let’s use that power in order to succeed. If whether this nation should choose the dictatorship or democracy we must not overlook our role that we must come together during times when there are crises abroad brewing. Abraham Lincoln said it best, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” We are nation of majority and minority views because without both who are we as a nation. The many problems endure show we are not a one united America, at least not a united nation. Our nation is not some Greek tragedy when it can properly represent both sides of the spectrum both majority and the minority because it can happen but there those that want to prevent such a thing from taking place especially when blacklisting does nothing but show there are clearly two Americas. It clearly puts our nation in harm’s way when there are distractions of disunity when there is a growing axis Hung-Bulgaria-FYROM, Serbia, Thailand, and Chile which is testing the existence of Asteria and many sub-alliances like Pacifica that are working closely with our friends. It would be logical to say if we our nation we could work towards to become a tier 1 nation while subduing our enemies and lessening the dangers. America we need goals and a direction to where our country should go. The problem I see is a lack of direction or what our nation really stands for. If we as eAmericans aren’t making the strides that is necessary to make progress from all areas of the political spectrum, then why as we as country worked so damn hard to get where we are at as a nation? America we have to be strong, act like it and don our armor because there are far more problems that require complete attention than continue this direct civil war between the majority and minority. Yet we all forget we are one nation that should work together to deal with many situations that face our nation as a whole.

The choice is yours America. All I know I will carry with me what I like to see achieved and will do with people I can trust that care enough to get things done in a game where I want to have fun. I am not here to make enemies when the real enemies are sitting in places like Serbia, Thailand and wherever which our country should never strongly lose focus. Let us not waste the opportunity what a future of what could have been and it can still be if we come together working together for a better tomorrow.

Now to my platform for my second term that I seek in what I am standing on in my next run for congress:

1) Strengthen the Pacifica Alliance

The Pacifica could use some new members to help solidify it further. With troubles in Greece-Hungary War which is putting the Asteria Alliance at risk. If relations are stable with GreeceI feel there should be worthy discussion of having Greece as a new member of Pacifica. As a first time congressmen I am pleased to hear about Taiwan-Philippines NAP. From the Finno-Russo Liberation of Scandinavia I am pleased as congressmen that Russia, Latvia and Orion & Pacifica leadership were able to come together it is a most noted success. Of course Lativa being huge success in Venzuela with Columbian involvement in many liberations from Philippine occupation. So it's clear to me the eUSA is capable of working together when it matters.

2) MPPS Pacts
Support MPP Pacts that are vital in the Asian Pacific Strategy. However we must not forget we must not forget the homeland and defending her from enemies that are either foreign or domestic. I will only support MPP pacts if it vital in any overall current strategy that make sense.

3) Foreign Relations

We need to our efforts diplomacy and find other nations that can agree to ideals of a long lasting alliance. Finding long term partners is a must and I see no reason why we as nation should try to find common ground with nations that could be beneficial. As Alliance change it seems those nations that hate eUSA are binding together even tighter. These are the concerns that should have full attention and work to figure out how to handle the situation. America can not afford to let some of more important crises coalesce into one big problem.

*Hung-Bulgaria-FYROM forming close strong Axis. Serbia and Slovenia traditionally close to Hungary. EUSA must adapt a strategy and work closer with Asteria nations.

*Chile as the newest intriguing event going should paid close attention as this in my view point would have direct consequences to the future of Asteria and Pacifica even though not member it certainly presents a stability problem in South America and Australia in the South Pacific.

*Seek nations that can help with containing Thailand which I therefore I believe there should be an effort there that should be a worthwhile discussion.

*Seek nations in the Middle East like the nations of Iran, Turkey,or India to see if a more stable relationships can be enhanced. Also nations like South Korea too that I will suggest also.

*Seek Australia for stronger and if possible a long lasting alliance with to help in such areas like Indonesia, Thailand and anything could be valuable to forge that we agree to share a stronger bond of friendship.

4) American Correspondents Association

Reward newspaper writers in the field of journalism by submitting articles that each can win an award in the following categories of warfare analysis, political debates and analysis, financial business and social interactions & entertainment. Awards could be cash, gold, or resources monthly. There would have to a be submission process and panel of some way to help narrow down to 3 articles each in each of categories to where political parties can take a full vote.

5) Work Taxes
Keep at 15%. Same position as before but open to changing my position.

James Schubert For Congress