A Holiday Message From The Big Schu

Day 2,949, 10:44 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

As Christmas Day fast approaches and so also Hanukkah and Kwanzaa this time of year I want to express a message as this year will conclude and the year 2016 will begin. I first want to say since I rejoined eRepublik in early November for a third time has been more fun this time because I chose to dedicate my time to this game and glad I did. With a lot of friends I've made so far as helped me in increasing my knowledge of the game. Since I recently joined American University that knowledge will expand and even after that I would expect to keep learning more with each passing month. At the age of 35 I suppose I am becoming a even wiser dude.

However I must say returned for another reason. It resides outside this game in the real world which is one of many reasons I came back to help keep my mind from thinking about it. In early March my stepfather committed suicide in my backyard. Indeed it was a shock then and even so know dealing with the aftermath. Not something that is easy to get over. However my mom and I have been counseling. That's not it because my grandmother passed a month and half later in early May. Another whammy delivered to my family. What can I say I never thought I would express such a sad year. Even I must mention that my father passed due to a heart attack prior to my start high school in 1998 when my senior year was soon to begin in Jackson Hole the next month after Labor Day. I lived in Texas most my life including the six years in Wyoming. You can say I have dealt with a fair amount sadness, tragedy and loss in my life including what I have had to deal with this year that came unexpected.

I hope eRepublik will serve not only as a place to play but to help me heal. Things have gotten easier despite I am not sure I will ever get over it. The pain may never go away but I shall remember those that I have lost will never be forgotten. This Christmas I just haven't much felt to get much into the Christmas spirit. But I do know I will be fine going forward. The only way is forward. Like my character persona in game the only way is forward and look to the future. Find joy in a game I like to be part of. So far I have to say everyone has made me heal in lots of ways with the tough year of 2015 I had to deal with. Therefore I say thank you.

Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa to all across eUSA and eRepublik. May the future be bright and don't let the big bugs bite.