A few announcements

Day 857, 13:03 Published in Canada Serbia by Coda

Hello eCanada!

First off thank you so much to Vincent Valentine's latest and most generous donation. He has donated the SCOTIA organization to Support a Platoon Foundation and now the two will be merged. Thank you for this great donation and soldiers of Canada can expect to see some contests popping up shortly!

Secondly I'd like to thank everyone for their support thus far on my poster campaign (click here to go view my poster). Its meant so much to me to see all these extremely encouraging responses and I greatly appreciate it 🙂. I would love to hear from more of you so leave me a comment on my poster telling me what you think.

Thirdly we have a bit of a give away going on today. We're looking for a bit of marketing help today and need some feed back from you. There will be gold involved so I suggest you get involved with this.

Now I'm not going to give away details via erepublik article here but if you would like to take part please join us on the IRC channel #General (on server rizon.net) for more information. We will be hosting the meeting at 11PM EST. You can go to that channel and just loiter in there until we are ready for the session to begin. If you can't be around during that time we may have another opportunity at a later date, however please try to attend this one for a possible gold donation.

Thats all for now!

Hope to see you on the IRC tonight.

~Loveth CODA!