A continued divide: a divided eUS continues - UPDATED

Day 1,472, 22:07 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

A few months ago there was a great and hurtful divide. As part of the Joint Chief of Staff of the eUSMilitary, I voted to stop receiving government funding. The intended result was that we would no longer be under Congress’ domain. The reason for my vote was that the relationship between the then Congress (and past Congress) was so acrimonious that it actually interfered with my job as a Training Corps leader. I had to spend more time justifying myself than helping my own troops.

Fast forward a few months, a new gdoc was created to make a list of the military units (official military and militias).

I was part of Congress last month and this one as well. Alexander_Auctoritas, and GoalieBCSC (this month), both proposed a new New Citizen Message (NCM). I voted for both NCM blindly. I admit I barely read it. I skimmed it. I failed as a Congress person. I feel horrible.

A troop member of the Training Corps messaged me a concern. That a message was right on top of the entire gdoc in the NCM.

"If you receive a message from a “Training Corps” or group calling themselves the “eUS Military”, be advised this group is a ROGUE unit with no official ties to the eUSA. New citizens are strongly advised to ignore solicitations from this rogue force, and instead apply to join one of the approved patriotic groups below!"

After reading that, I was a bit mad that it was still around. This message was implemented when things were rather acrimonious between the then-eUS executive/Congress and the eUS Military. I admit I was confrontational and I did not handle things as well as I should have. I went in full force. If there is a thing that means anything to me in this game, it is the Training Corps. I wholeheartedly believe in the Training Corps, in its mission, in its officers and members. Hell, half of the military elite in the eUS has been through the Training Corps at some point.

So, as I said, I did not handle it well. But, Goalie did remained patient...

I admit, I am very partial to Goalie. I served in the JCS for a long time, and so did he. We served together for a while and we forged quite the amicable relationship. I believed, or wanted to, that he did not have it against the eUS Mil, as he claimed, or that he did not want to promote this divide.

I did beleive that. I do like him. I do beleive in him.

Like I mentioned, I did not handle it well. I went in guns blazing...”How could you?”Still? “How is this helpful for the country?”

He listened. He said he was going to change it. Then, he questioned...”aren’t you rogue?”

I should have known.

I was right. Fallacies and conspiracies are stronger than the betterment of a country.

I had hoped for the removal of the message. It’s what I would have done in his place (even if it was Pfeiffer’s group. Not if it was PtH).

Instead, now I see this:

“If you receive a message from a “Training Corps” or group calling themselves the “eUS Military”, be advised this group is no longer considered official. They are now a militia after disbanding as the official military, be advised they are considered a militia and do not recieve funding from the eUS.”


Will this ever happen?

Are we still circa last year, 1 month post divide? Are we still so butthurt about the issue that we feel the need to war about the oh so ominous and dangerous Training Corps and eUSMil? Hell, do we even do that for Pizza’s party? No we do not!

Are you kidding me?

We live in a country that hold the eUS mIlitary in a lower regard that the MU started by #1 Public Enemy Pizza the Hut. A military unit that holds the eUS as a #1 Priority.

I ask you eUS...is this the way to move forward? Is this the way to heal?

(Insert Pfeiffer "you are rogue"comment)

Update: 12/2/2011, Day 1,473, 08:57 erep.

I want to thank President GoalieBCSC for the removal of the warning. It truly was unnecessary and, imho, malicious. As I mentioned in posts, I am not asking for promotion and equal rights (that would be in a better world). I am simply asking to not be targeted and not have the TC and the eusmil targeted.

So, thank you for this constructive action.