A Cabinet to Whinge About

Day 1,172, 01:30 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Since neither candidate has done this yet I thought I would post and show you what a cabinet looks like.

CP: ME!!!!!! \o/

Deputy Prime Minister: Super Christopher

Senate Liaison and resident super ner😛 Derek Apollyon

Minister of Foreign Affairs and ass kissing: Wally Wilson

Minister of Defence and Whoop Ass: Flatty

Minister of Public Relations and Making Friends: Hillbilly Jim

Minister of Industry and Boring Stuff : Tim Holtz

Minister of Immigration /Head of NSA/Resident Communist: Chris Carnage

Minister of Finance and Numbers: Viado Celtru

Supreme Commander of Hipsters and New Player Relations: Angie Tuminaro

Military Adviser and God of War : Colin Lantrip

Minister of Political Campaign Timing: Callumh123

Minister of Trolling and Troll Protection: Tim Holtz

Chief Gofer: Rowan Quigley

This is the cabinet that will allow the trolls to comment. It is filled with elites (well not really but they won't mention that) and a random blow in who has impressed a lot with what she has had to say recently.

If something unforeseen happens to Sir C's reign and I have to take over, these are the names who will be posting articles and doing all the hard work to make me look good.

What next? ohhh pictures...

To appeal to the males out there:

And of course for the girls, who else other than The Great One!