[ZM] Party Wiki Pages, and Dioism

Day 1,447, 17:59 Published in Austria Austria by Balkan Beast

Hello eAustria, as previously stated in my article the wiki for our nation still needs much work to be done to it. I've done some minor things to the page, but I haven't had the time during the weekend to get very much done except updating the Government Cabinets.

I had sent messages to the party presidents of PHP,MHP, and RPO. Unfortunately all I received was one response which stated that the PP was pretty much as Unaware as I am of his party's history. As for the other two, no responses.

These are the pages which require information, I added nothing to them other than what I could gather from in game information.

If you know anything about these parties, please do help get them in shape, otherwise they'll be deleted and I'll have to make up my own take on the parties so that doesn't happen.
http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Mostly_Harmless_Party http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Republican_Party_of_Osterreich http://wiki.erepublik.com/index.php/Party_of_the_Horny_Princess

And now for the second half of my article... Dioism.
As some of you might know I am a Dioist Priest, and was once an active missionary in the countries of Thailand, and Malaysia. Thus It is my duty to spread the gospel of the god emperor so that others may learn what Dioism is about, and inherit the principles it instills. Some may not agree with this, but I couldn't possibly care about there opinions so no big deal amirite? 🙂

So in the coming days I will once again begin publishing scriptures of the Book of Dio. If people receive that positively, I will continue by publishing The circles of Dio, My interpretation of Dioism, and then we will embark into the Mudkip Philosophy. I would also publish the Trumpets, but they were left incomplete since the prophets left this world long ago because of the Wigs, and combined onslaught of Ukrainian PTOers, and Pig hoofed Muslim hordes which succeeded in desecrating the holy land. But that's a discussion for a different time, outside of the surprisingly fascist wigs which will probably delete this article because of that remark.

For now though, that's all I have to say I'll go back to my little sand castle by the Danube.
