"You have to endure to conquer"

Day 1,637, 09:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

We are in hard times in the eUnited Kingdom. For almost 5 months now we have been occupied by the Canadians and the French. From time to time we have also had to deal with the Irish and Americans. We have fallen down on our knees and cannot come out on top of many battles. However we must look to the future and decide for ourselves whether we would like to live in a world owned by our enemies or a future where we make the moves. It was Churchill who said "Sure I am of this, that you have only to endure to conquer. You have only to persevere to save yourselves", and when I saw the complaints 2 months ago I thought that the eUnited Kingdom was doomed as we could not agree with each other. I thought many people could not endure the pain. But we stuck together and with Talon Karrde in charge we took back the eUnited Kingdom and now that Appleby is in charge, we can rebuild. We shall work together, whether you're in the ESO or UKPP, TUP or UKRP, we should work together and fight for each other.

5 days after I had joined, we had a country which looked like this:

I do not know how long we had a country like that before a joined however I can only imagine that it was a very strong country supported by its people. That is a country which I would have liked to be in throughout my time in this game however, about 1 or 2 months through the game we dropped to a low. This was not an ordinary low like losing at the world cup but a nationwide depression. We were wiped, and being controlled by 3 countries, as seen below.

If any of you can remember, there was a lot of blame being passed around. Everybody thought it was someone else's fault. Some may say that it was the Country President's fault, others say it was ONE's fault for no support. But if we did more fighting and organisation instead of complaining we could have defeated at least one of the 3 countries. The more you play the game, the more you learn and we have many players who I hope learn that you don't get everything you want in eRepublik but if you persevere, you can succeed.

Have you pushed that wall today? Have you killed 25 French, Canadian or American citizens? Are you going to stay with the eUK until the end or take the coward's way out? The only loser is one who doesn't see the finish. So when you exit this article and go somewhere else, remember:
"If you've gotta go out, go out with a bang"
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 14th of May 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.