[WLO]Promises should not be forgotten

Day 914, 23:41 Published in Switzerland Finland by Potaatti

Barely a 4 months ago, long I pondered my God's cryptic talk of victory; time has proven him wise...
Ahem. As you can see and hear, White Lions are coming back! We promised, that we will be back and now we stand on here on united line!
So many has fallen on this war, war against Shaolin PTO, war against Tyranny and slavery!
We will win this war! Do not never forget what have they done! Do not never give up!

...But from free eSwiss to free eSwiss, the word was spread that both Tewio and his WLO, so far from home, laid down their lives, not just for Resistance, but for all eSwitzerland and the promise this country holds...
Now someone of you might ask, Who are we? We are Tewionist's. Tewionism is a religion and we believe on Tewio. We camed here to help you about 5 months ago, but then we had to leave. In those times, Shaolins got some major victories and
I was pretty inactive. Now I and my fellow brothers are again active and we don't broke our promises. We promised, that we will come back, and here we are!

...Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called eSwitzerland, Arschmann hordes face obliteration! Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers, knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of WLO. Yet they stare now across the plain at 10,000 Tewionists commanding 30,000 free eSwiss! The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one; good odds for any eSwiss. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine...
We didn't come here to only to talk and give some empty promises. No... We are here to fulfill our promise, that eSwitzerland will rise again and Shaolins will lose. This is the time! If we stand united, we can beat them together!

Give thanks, men! To Tewio, Resistance and the brave WLO! To victory!
We are glad to inform, that WLU (White Lion Unit) and eSAF might unite.