[WGA] Why do I love this game

Day 1,516, 19:58 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli

Serbian and Dioist tl;dr version below. Tits as well below.

I don't lol. I do play it tho, as many others do. But before I elaborate it, let's get some votes first. According to this, I need to flame Turkey to get OVER9000 votes. I can 7 tho, that counts as being cool?

On a serious note, the guy has a point. Talking in general, that's the type of articles that gets voted.

Now that I won your attention and admiration, let's see why am I writing this and not studying. Procrastination? Yes, but I could procrastinate in some other way, don't we agree?

Three reasons. Skorpioni. Pakistan. Testing. In that order. There are a couple of individuals, but we can talk outside of the game as well so it doesn't count.

1. Skorpioni.

Now guys, that's the unit I have joined in September or October of 2009. I had 5.8 strength, and their req was 8+. But I was still accepted due to my superior activity. Thanks to cpt Milisav (RIP) and Nemaanjaa for opening the door for me. Ever since, I was there. v1, epic battles, political scandals etc etc. This unit is very different in one thing (from other Serbian units). It always allowed politicians to join and there are people from opposing parties fighting together and having fun. Condition was always not to recruit through MU and to start a political flamewar in our channel. I met most of them in RL during years, many quit the game but still hang out on our events, those living close meet up on regular basis. I also witnessed (and hopefully helped) in building up of a relationship between two people I probably consider my best friends from here, Nemaanjaa and Skid Row. There are also many more people who I had honour to fight side by side, and who all had their role in my development as an eCitizen, but naming them all would make you fall asleep. #skorpioni is our meeting place and the place where the glory is being created, over and over.

These people taught me how to play, motivated me when I wanted to quit, helped me reach some of my personal goals in this game. I love Pakistan, I love SSG, but I cannot imagine myself having another MU.

OHWOW I'M DOING RECRUITMENT!!! EDIT: Due to some faggotry from to me unknown forces, you have to speak either Serbian or all world languages in order to join.
EDIT2: 6k str is required, they decided to allow smallerfags in as well. Contact me, not leaders. INGM plz, I am on/off on IRC atm

2. Pakistan.

Second reason, ePakistan. I have joined Pakistan at the end of Dioistic era, following the discoveries I have found in forums and wiki mainly. I can thank Srecko Ilic (RIP) and Balkan Beast for me ending up in ePakistan. Despite Dioists mostly quit by the time I have joined, I stayed there as it was peaceful so I could skip v2 which I disliked. There I met many great people so I made Pakistan my permanent home. Policy kept entertaining me with his borderline-insulting trolling, kotekzot's pokerface sarcasm, Pak_land's bear... introduction to the country and community, which was the hardest step for me. I remember AbuZar (kualkerr), known as a most famous Pakistani soldier of post-Dioistic era, telling me back in the day: "I am not a soldier, I'm a businessman." Funny how things turn around man.

As of late there are so many people I am getting in touch on daily basis, too many to name them all. I must name av khan, a man who helped me a lot few months ago, and gave me will to continue when I was about to scrap it all and leave Pakistan for good. After his msg's I have took back VA, and here I am now. Also, one very notable person of late is Ahsan Shahbaz, a guy who annoyed me so much before, but who turned out to be one of the more intelligent people I had chance to talk to. I took this "MoFA" job for lulz, wondering how it will be to work together with my enemy, and honestly, I am surprised. He has style, and he gets stuff done w/o much bs. I can say our cooperation is great.

Third reason, testing, I prefer to keep for myself. Die of curiosity!

a flamer but still a player of eRepublik.

Serbian tl;dr: Skorpioni, volim vas sve! eSrbijo, odvratna si, naucite da igrate igru! Mada, zna da bude interesantno.. Sta reci

Dioist tl;dr:
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