[WGA] Fun talks with "Chinese CP"

Day 1,514, 18:37 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli

So today we were talking in #epak.mofa with a guy named MuhammadXIII, who wanted to be an ambassador to China, saying he knows ex-CP and that he is responsible for Pakistan regaining Balochistan a few months ago. So he exchanged some messages with Chinese CP. Long story short, our Ambassador quits and soon after I get a PM from a person named Remillia, apparently a eChinese CP. To be honest, I fell for it at the start, because I haven't compared IPs. But raao did and notified me, so lets see what happened next (cutting off most of the parts, it was a long convo):

TL😉R: scroll down and read the agreement with our buddy eChina CP

AWWWWW, raao notice😛
dont be a fool
he is the same kid
MuhammadXIII [cgiirc@Rizon-BCD297B9.dsl.bell.ca] has quit
Remillia [cgiirc@Rizon-BCD297B9.dsl.bell.ca] has joined
ye, its gonna be fun

Sad story about how our Chinese CP got into the game:
we still remember what you did
sry, i was sorta inactive in the past few months
you occupied my country for 2 full years
from what i know
dioists were willing to negotiate
dio brando your god emperor
was a show off
he did nothing for our cause
i was recruited from a famous chinese forum that called for more help fore the state
now we are getting our revenge

so what all pakis are dios children

See Ahsan, he says it, it is true!

And here comes the first real offer:
you can organize a resistance war in NWFP
i will tell my congres members to back off
and not support the war as much
and you will not take it back, right?
but you will need to work really hard, becuase i do not want to look like a traitor

He also wanted more attention:
1 more thing, i agreed to come here and you are the only one talking to me

He completely ignores the fact China will lose fruit bonus if they give us NWFP:
what about sindh?
and dont write about our little negotiation
oh no
definately not
you will be lucky for punjab
but not sindh
i mean, i am sure you know you lose fruit bonus if we take NWFP
yes soo
going to take india regions instead?
im more concerned about
to make a path to sindh

Then he, realizing he screwed up, changes topic to show how China actually hates India. And bullies EDEN:
you can invade india if you want to
we really hate those rapscallians
but Remillia, isnt that against eden charter?
not really
you see my friend
we are the greatest power of eden
and we can betray any country we want
yeah, valid point

Soon after he again demanded attention:
what he cant even meet me
what is this
he is busy IRL
should i start typing in chinese
Which he did.

Sorry Serbia, was fun being your ally:
kk i will make sure, but you may have to stop supporting the serbs

I make a hint he is busted, our CP uses a getaway:
btw, can you ask in eden.hq if they are all okay with us having NWFP
you will have to change nick to Remilia, as this one isnt registered
this is a one time thing
i have to go back to my chinese brothers

Then raao said something nasty (HOW COULD YOU RAAO!?):
how dare you insult me
thats it pakistan can never have its freedom

We almost lost it, but the famous spinner turns it back in our advantage:
u have to behave
u r here to negotiate not to troll
so negotiate if possible n respect my man MorbidAngel
my bad for insulting your friend

But I am angry cos of the insults on Dio's count:
im quite insulted tbh
and fairly annoyed right now
we want all regions now
and assurance that we gegt kashmir from india
no, all 4 + kashmir
is yours if you get allies willing to help you
we will completely back off
no help, you let us have reginos
fine sindh too
but no punjab
and not only that, you will convince turkey to give us balo
and i dont care how
i tried to be polite, you go and start flaming, and i am disgusted by flaming

He gives in:
itz settled
u can have all regions back
we wont fight
back much
change much to "at all" and its signed
at alll

But raao persists on his fetishes:
do u have big boobs?
or small
dude im a guy
question remains
my name is just like that
raao has fetish to manboobs
Come on raao, do it in private! We are all serious people here, talking serious stuff!

Now we do some magic. Identity swap, activate!!
morbrid what is your online id i cant find you
he is raao
and raao[away] is policy
policy is sora
I am policy
and sora is av khan

By now our CP's brain is burn't:
hi there
hi hi kualkerr
he is raao
ty kualkerr

And the agreement was finally made!!

He did object a little bit:
take out the porn, you have my confirmation, but fight hard kk

But finally agree😛
leve it in but really dunt giv me shytt
i dunt want it

Kualkerr the wise:
take the bear one (editor's note: bear porn) atleast

So that is, gentlemen, how we regained our independence! And everyone lived happily ever after.

Have a good night!


~MorbidAngel (raao ingame)