[UK] Hello there UK!

Day 797, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00
Congress Elections Complete

The Congress elections are over and it is again time for New Zealand to look toward the future. It is time to choose your first Country President, but first I would like to again thank the Kiwi ATO team for their diligent work on the elections. Fionia deserves particular mention for her long hours and dedication. CrusaderCarl also deserves mention for donating a record twenty gold to the ATO efforts. Thank you to you both and also to each and every New Zealander who cast their votes for Unity candidates. Your efforts shall live on.

The purpose of this of course is to give you Kiwis a glimpse into the future. I am asking to serve as your first President. But first, know thy Caesar...

The TL😉R on Gaius Julius Caesar00

• 8 time eCanadian Congress member
• 1 time eUK Congress member
• 4 time top 5 Party President (Canadian Paradox Party)
• 2 time Minister of Foreign Affairs (Canada, Jan-Feb 2010)

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Cabinet
III. Baby Boom
IV. Baby Boom II
V. Baby Boom III
VI. Stabilize the economy
VII. Guide Congress’ tax strategy
VIII. Foreign Affairs
IV. Conclusion


New Zealand needs it. Which is why I will retain all the trappings of the Provisional Government, provided the members of said government accept. Those who do not wish to remain are thanked for their service and will be replaced with suitable candidates and will be updated accordingly. This shall be my proposed cabinet for November 5th, 2010.

President: Gaius Julius Caesar00

Vice President: Myles Robinson
Deputy VP: Bass Junkie (eAus)
Deputy VP: Crusadercarl (eAus)
Chief of Staff: Calbe (eAus)

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Azaret (eFrance)
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: Indrae (eUS)
Envoy to the Phoenix Alliance: Collinar (ePakistan)
Envoy to the EDEN Alliance: Frymonmon (eCanada)

Minister of Immigration: Carr de Vaux (eMalaysia)
Deputy Minister of Immigration: Arjay Phoenician
ATO Director: Fionia (eUS)
Advertisement Director: Discrate1 (eAus)

Minister of Education: Artorius Perim (eCanada)

Minister of Defence: Bradley Reala (eUS)
Chief of the Defence Force: kyle321n (eUS)
CO, Home Division: Othere Salvatore (eUK)
CO, Mobile Division: Cloyd Wallis (eUS)
Military Advisor: Callumh123 (eAus)

Minister of Finance: Necros Xiaoban (eUS)
Deputy Minister of Finance: Venta (eUkraine)
Minister of Trade: Devoid (eUS)
Deputy Minister of Trade Gaius Marcus (eUS)
Deputy Minister of Trade Andy Costello (eUS)
Deputy Minister of Trade NettoBoy (eNK)
Deputy Minister of Trade Welshlad (eUK)
Deputy Minister of Trade James Rellori (eThailand)

Minister of Public Information: WahooBob (eUS)
Minister of Fun and Sheep: Sir Terrifico (eBolivia)

Baby Boom

Pouring in, first one, then two, then ten, then fifty, now over two-hundred; Serbian militiamen have come to New Zealand’s shores. They speak a foreign tongue, salute a foreign flag, and speak of the Kiwi Isle as “Little Serbia.”

Soon, they would run for office in the legislature; nearly forty members would apply. As the dust settled, just under half of the New Zealand legislature would be elected to represent their cause.

This group now has the ability to propose public funds be diverted to their own private organizations, thus depriving New Zealand of the ability to defend herself.

This is happening right now and you have the ability to prevent it. I am Gaius Julius Caesar00 and I am the Country President representing New Zealand in one of the internet`s most compelling strategy games, eRepublik. The game is free to play and over 200,000 people login every day. We need your help in building New Zealand into a stable and true democratic nation. All you have to do is join.


For Kiwi Freedom!

Every decimal point of gold earned from this baby boom will be deposited right back into the treasury to fund New Zealand’s development. This storyline will be published in various game forums as well as forums that focus on New Zealand.

The end goal of this baby boom is 100 RL Kiwis and a total population exceeding 1000.

Baby Boom II

The fact is New Zealand needs a baby boom more than anything so I am introducing Step II of the Baby Boom process. New Zealand is a community and your President is merely a member of that community. Each must take their part and together we make a whole. Will you do your part?

I am asking each and every New Zealander to please take their part and introduce two friends who do not currently play eRepublik to join and take part in the formative process of this nation.

Want some help? Here’s a quick suggestion.

Hey Adam,

How would you like to join eRepublik? Want to become a member of Congress and debate the important issues of the nation? Want to win the Presidency of the nation and lead it to victory? Want to run a business, or fifteen, and become its greatest entrepreneur? You can do it all in eRepublik, and it’s free. Over 200,000 people login every single day and they come from all over the world.

We need your help in eNew Zealand! Help defend Middle Earth! Join us.

[Insert your own eRepublik referral link]

Please adjust to suit your own needs and fit your own voice. If each citizen does their part, New Zealand need not worry about her security. Please, do your part.

Baby Boom III

If it’s not clear by now, the overriding concern of New Zealand is its growth. Much like the expression in real estate (location, location, location), New Zealand should be concerned with baby boom, baby boom, baby boom. Let us fill the isle with new citizens!

So what is strategy number three, you ask? We should continue the task of recruiting new citizens in other nations, both Phoenix and EDEN, and encourage the natural growth of New Zealand. How will we accomplish this task?

I. Organize existing orgs owned by members of the executive and legislative branch, along with cooperative members of the community
a. Use existing newspapers where we can and always use existing orgs
II. Through this network of organizations, we can publish in other nations articles that will encourage them to emigrate to New Zealand
a. We will do so in cooperation with existing governments, so as not to damage relations
b. If they are non-compliant, we shall not actively encourage emigration
i. This will ensure that relations are unharmed by this program

A similar program was in effect prior to New Zealand’s creation, however the rules for publication have since changed and this extra step has become necessary for an organized inter-eRepublik baby boom campaign.

I would encourage every party president to contribute their advertising gold for this campaign, so as not to unnecessarily burden the taxpayers and active community with this added expense.

The Infrastructure

Creating a baby boom is a waste without creating the infrastructure necessary to support. Therefore, first steps for the Ministry of Baby Boom are:

I. Inform Congress of the need for a minimum of 5000 NZD in the treasury to support the New Citizen Fee
II. Write an article informing new citizens about wellness and worker production, government and private support programs, as well as orienting them to the national forums and IRC channels
III. Create a government branch with mentors, providing direct support to new citizens. A [CP] article will be written to encourage volunteers to participate.

The Economy

Now is not a time for pinching pennies. We can ill afford to be conservative with our budget. We need to actively encourage investment in New Zealand’s economy and we must establish government organizations, both to increase jobs and increase government income.

Regulate the NZD

First things first, we must immediately regulate the NZD. The moment we have a significant amount of NZD in a government organization, the government will set the peg of the NZD at 0.020 gold per dollar. At this rate, New Zealand will be able to compete on a global stage. New Zealanders will finally stop the process of converting wages to gold and exporting our financial resources abroad.

In all likelihood, this step will be complete by the time I would be elected but if not this will be step one in managing the economy.

Encourage investment in New Zealand

Two, we will encourage major entrepreneurs throughout the world to invest in New Zealand, either through export licenses or direct investment via the creation of new businesses within New Zealand to take advantage of our highly skilled workforce. The advantage of this strategy is the low budget it requires. In fact, no expense will be incurred in the execution of this strategy. The only requirement is eloquent speech and an hour or two per week of time.

Create a national org with crown corporations

It is time to use the resources we have available. We have a highly skilled workforce. Let’s use it! I propose the establishment of a Q5 food company with the intention of reducing our collective reliance on taxation and money printing for income, with the added benefit of providing jobs to our highly skilled workers.

As our budget increases, so can the number of companies we control.

How will we pay for these programs and other expenses that arise?

I propose the establishment of a national bond program. If you wish to see New Zealand prosper, I recommend you donate as much gold to an organization to be announced as you can afford. In return, you will be repaid within 60 days time with 55 NZD per one gold bond, or if the NZD is set at a rate higher than 0.020 gold/1NZD then it shall be 10% greater than the mean of the five most competitive rates on the monetary market. In either case, both New Zealand and the bond holder win.

So please, donate to New Zealand National Bonds and see her grow.

Bonus 100 Gold

In the short term, as President I will provide an interest-free, one-hundred gold loan to boost her coffers and only to be repaid when New Zealand is in a position to do so. In addition, I will donate the five gold earned from the Country President medal to the national government immediately upon election.

Establish Tax Strategy

Upon election, the Executive Branch will work with the Legislative Branch to establish a working model for taxation. This falls under the jurisdiction of Congress, therefore Congress will simply benefit from the Ministry of the Economy acting as an Advisor, as well as myself.

I recommend a low import tax rate that will stimulate imports into the country, but a small bump over 1% will yield higher income without discouraging investment. A 25% income tax rate is a happy medium between the extremes of stripping citizens dry and providing barely enough tax income to survive.

Suggested tax levels

10% Import, 25% Income across the board

Foreign Affairs

I am of the opinion that New Zealand should dictate its own affairs. We should therefore avoid seeking alliance with either EDEN or Phoenix, but rather allow ourselves to form relationships with nations on their own merits and negotiate Mutual Protection Pacts separately. Joining EDEN or Phoenix is a last resort and a signal that our foreign policy failed.


This has been my stance since arriving in New Zealand, having exclaimed the need to preserve our own existence without becoming members of a bi-polar conflict. We can be friends with both Phoenix and EDEN nations, as our recent elections showed.

Strict neutrality is not an option

Neutrality is not an option for a nation seeking self-preservation. Meekly avoiding conflict will only invite conflict and political profiteers.


We have an opportunity to build a new nation the right way. It is time we took this step. Experience and energy are what New Zealand needs and I will give every fibre in my e-body to the establishment of New Zealand as a world power.

Having been involved in eRepublik politics for over a year, I have the experience necessary to lead New Zealand to a bright future. It can ill afford to take any chances at this point in time. Our opponents wait for the moment we make a mistake.

I have a strategy that will ensure New Zealand becomes strong through a three-pronged baby campaign, solid economic strategy, and a balanced foreign policy. It makes sense and it will work.

This is Gaius Julius Caesar00 and I ask you, is this the New Zealand you want? If so, please encourage your Party President to support this campaign and together we can make this happen.

Caesar for CP


Cabinet: Virtually identical to Provisional Government
Baby Boom: Three-pronged approach
I) Presidential note published to various internet game forums and New Zealand-oriented forums. See full note within article
II) Citizen-directed method; each should invite two friends outside eRepublik to join the game in New Zealand
III) Executive branch directed method; active recruitment through articles and ads directed at friendly nations in both EDEN and Phoenix using existing resources
IV) Step four will be to create the infrastructure necessary to support the baby boom, including a mentor network and a new citizen article teaching them basics of the game


I) Regulate NZD, set peg at 0.020 gold/1NZD
II) Encourage powerful entrepreneurs to invest in New Zealand
III) Create an org with a Q5 food company
IV) Establish a national bond drive
V) Interest-free 100 gold loan, 5 gold CP medal donation
VI) Establish tax strategy with Congress

Foreign Affairs

I) Use non-aligned approach, establish individual relations with both Phoenix and EDEN nations
II) Avoid neutrality (no MPPs)


Vote for Caesar. He has cookies.

Caption: Leopard II Main Battle Tank on its way to the eUK

Hello and good evening (or morning) to the good citizens of the United Kingdom. I am Gaius Julius

Caesar00, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Canada. I could not help but notice that my counterpart

in the UK had published an article in our media about the attack we launched on Wales. Being a

good natured chap, I thought I would return the favour.


There is an announcement I would like to make. The “colonies” as you call them are coming back.

You see, we in Canada have always had good relations with the United Kingdom and it hurt us a

great deal to see you occupying our territory despite never fighting a single battle against us nor

even declaring war. One might think of a certain “c” word at this point but I’ll leave that point to

others. The fact is that we’d like to return your good favour, only no one will equivocate the same “c”

word with Canada.
