Day 3,371, 08:31 Published in USA USA by Dr. Ort Meyer
Hello my fellow Boomers! This is a special addition to help a fella out. My new Mentor: Gnilraps, has given me some crucial keys to success. Therefore, I am holding a contest to help myself create a banner for my newspaper.
- must design not only a banner for the top of all your articles, but also a related avatar for your paper.
- must fit appropriately.
- winner will receive a some of 5K cc provided if there are 3 submissions actually liked.
- SPONSORED BY: Gnilraps

As of the past day, our military has done the job. The battle for London has been won by our forces. London has Fallen... This is a great sign we will progress in our war efforts and strive to expand our influence. Also, there are new people joining the new world everyday. Do not be afraid to take one under your wing and help them succeed. Introduce them to your MU, Party, or eForum. You never know how much you will impact someone, or even see how good you make the person feel. Do your good deed for the day. Pass it on!

Cats in the Bag?
Apple Gone BAD

No new report other than London has Fallen.


What are your thoughts? Any suggestions to make me a better writer, or simply to tell me I am God awful? You decide! I'll leave one more thing to get a feel for: Waffle House is kind of good. Eat there if you get once chance. Just one though.