[stark] My run for presidency

Day 498, 01:44 Published in Germany USA by Starkad Rorlikson

Citizens of the Union, Friends and Allies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

my name is Starkad Rorlikson and I hereby announce my candidacy for the upcoming presidential elections.

Most of you will recognize me as a member of congress and former minister of the interior, others might know me from hours of conversations in the eGerman chatroom and some of you might even remember me from previous encounters in one of the many eCountries I lived and worked in, prior to eGermany being reborn 4 months ago.

When I originally started playing with the idea of running for office, I was having big plans about how to build up the country, strengthen the economy, grow our population and improve international relations and cooperation with friends and neighbors alike.

In the light of recent events however, all candidates are now facing a wartime presidency and it should be our foremost goal to defend our independence against the outside threat from the south.

With the kick-off of my election campaign, a series of articles will be published in the days leading up to the elections, which will further explain my positions on various subjects.
Since “stark” is not only the short form of my first name, but also the German word for both “strong” and “awesome”, these articles will therefore fittingly be tagged [stark], so look out for them.

For a strong union!
stark – stärker – Starkad

Starkad Rorlikson for president!