[SentiBank] Week Three Financial Report

Day 2,097, 17:55 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

It's that time of the week again!

I have nothing planned for over the course of day 2,097/8 other than usual activities, and so the information can be released 6 hours early. It's been a decent week!

Bond Performance

Return This Week: 3.58%
Target: 3.5% (Only just exceeded!)
Per Day Return: 0.51%

This translates to a £3.58 pay out per bond. We're currently back on target which is good news!

Target Next Week

Next week's target will be 3.85%.

At the current rate, it will be just 28 weeks until a bond, bought today, would receive a 100% return. The aim is to bring this down to just 20 weeks by the end of September.


Income Tax: £245.00

We still have a 'reserve', which hasn't been paid out or spent yet and is still growing. As no decision has been taken on what to do with it in the group message, I'll make an executive decision and use it to guarantee existing bonds in cash, rather than assets.

Side note, last weeks income tax hasn't been donated to anywhere yet. We currently have £455.00 that we can spend on the eNHS or donate directly to the treasury.

Bond Availability

Due to some slight problems in Sentinel, the parent company, (next paragraph for more information) we might have to review where to issue any new bonds this month, without finding a way to seriously scale up our operations to facilitate without existing investors suffering a detriment. A meeting will take place on IRC soon to discuss, in which all are welcome to join. Details will be communicated in the coming days.


Those who are familiar with our structure, Sentinel is a 'parent company' in which a group of us run companies/make money, which is heavily based around WRM production.

I mentioned in the group message that there's currently a massive reserve of currency in Sentinel that we're trying to invest. Unfortunately, this reserve hasn't gone down, but continues to grow. (and is now being used to offset a weak monetary market to still achieve growth..) Until we're able to come up with a new, solid and efficient plan for Sentinel, it makes very little sense to issue any new bonds from SentiBank in the meantime, as we did intend to invest a further 50% in to Sentinel.

More information on Sentinel can be found by messaging me.

Lost Property Box

In the box this week is unpaid donations, of which I currently have the list. (I've started keeping this information now as 5 people didn't accept their donations last week!) If you feel you didn't receive a donation last week, contact me and I'll send over last weeks payment.

Anybody who doesn't claim within 4 weeks will have any unclaimed earnings donated to the eNHS.

Closing Notes

Like last week, a few more statistics for those who like to see the numbers and form their own picture.

Highest Payout This Week: £820.58
Average Payout This Week: £116.22
Average Total Payouts per Person: £261.22
Biggest Earner So Far: Butjam - £1,627.55