[SentiBank] Week Four Financial Report

Day 2,105, 14:12 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

Hello All!

Bond Performance

Return this week: 3.77%
Target for This Week: 3.85%
Per Day Return: 0.54%

Growth was up this week, by 0.19%. Unfortunately this was still 0.08% short of target, though not too far behind!

Target Next Week

Next week we'll be aiming for 3.90%.


Income Tax: £255.00

Total in income tax pool: £710.00. Still unsure on who this should go to, for now it will be retained and paid somewhere soon. We currently have enough to buy the eNHS 17,750 energy with the income tax.

Bond Availability

Bonds are still looking unlikely to be issued on the 27th, our growth is still behind target and therefore it wouldn't make sense to cause a drop in income across the board for now.

Further to this, we've adopted the gold standard! Ready the relevant section for more information.

Sentinel News

Sentinel continues to grow WRM production, though actual WRM sales have slowed significantly despite the rise in price, forcing us to sell across 6 different eCountries at a slightly lower overall price.

Work tax currently isn't much of a problem in most of the eWorld. As you may know however, some of our operations are still in eAustralia. We're planning to pull everything out of eAustralia by next week. This isn't a decision taken lightly, but high taxes & low WRM bonuses and overall a horrible economics policy make continuing our business there illogical. (Work tax there can currently run up to £2,300 each month, which is money better spent elsewhere)

Gold Standard

In brighter news, every single bond is now currently underpinned by 0.5 gold in the event of something going wrong. Should a director be banned or go AWOL or anything else causing assets disappear, your bond will be repaid by gold held by SentiBank should it be affected.

This also means that for every bond we issue, there must be a further 0.5 gold backing it, meaning we're now limited to gold reserves which is a healthy way to do business. We feel this is a safe bet, as the 'floor price' for gold, due to currency issuing abilities, is at 200cc; therefore, 0.5 gold at its absolute minimum is equal to one bond at present.

Other Investments

We hope to begin investing in other markets soon. It's a very concerning time for those heavily involved in WRM for two reasons:
-Artificial prices due to the current mission
-Very slow sales indicating a massive decline in demand

We'll be planning next month's strategy to mitigate any risks from a collapse of the WRM bubble.

Name Change

As you can see, I haven't disappeared but have actually changed my name. Unfortunately there is no un-do button on a name change, so for the next month this will be my new name...

A Little Advertisement...

Does you country rent orgs for private use?

We're currently looking to collect some orgs for the coming weeks, our offer is 25% of any profits from the org going to the country who rents it to us.

Closing Notes

That's it for this week!

More facts to close off for the week...

*RupTot took over from Butjam as the biggest earner today with £2,390.94 total earnings! There's just over 8CC to separate them.
*At current speeds, it would take 26.5 weeks to receive a 100% return.
*For those who have been with us since day one, they're 23 weeks away from a 100% return.
*The current backlog of orders for new bonds in SentiBank is projected to be around 120% of the current value of investments.
*Sentinel's current daily revenue is higher than that of a rank 55 - 70 country.

Check back next week for further updates. 🙂