[Rezo's View] It starts with... one thing...

Day 3,388, 03:16 Published in Ireland Spain by Prince Rezo

Warning: This is pure roleplay article based on V for Vendetta speech, but based on the real story between Ireland and its... "friends".

It seems this month Rezo's View is going to be about masked people.

Aloha people from Ireland o/

I'd like to apologize for interrupting your daily routine, i am sure most of you still have some backs to stab before breakfast and some knives to be sharpened before going to your homes and rejoice while saying how much balls you have for wasting nearly 500.000cc in an AS to a superpower without even having any plan about it.

But in this moment, i am here not to talk about how you manage your country, of course, it is up to you to ruin it as you please. I am here to ask you to take five minutes to sit and talk a little bit.

Of course, some people might not like that we speak. Probably right now they are raging and sending dozens of messages to their strong tanks. Why? Because you can befriend all sides on this game, why fight for your friends? Why fight against a common enemy if you can betray your friends allying with the enemy?
But the truth is always there my friends, and if you speak it... people will realize it sooner or later and will learn the truth... and what is the truth you ask...?

Something is rotten in Ireland, isnt there?. Betrayals... side changes every few months... before you had some friends that would do anything for you, they would help you no matter the cost, now you have failstrikes, mpps with countries that loved to delete you, how could that happen? who is to blame for it?

Member VyC invasion to British Islands? I member!

Obviously some are more responsible than others, and they are alredy paying the toll... but if you want to learn who is the real culprit you'll only have to look at a mirror. I know why you did it... you were afraid, who was not?

Adriatica failling, Don Croata leaving to Australia, Pacifica invading anything they wished... there was a plague of problems that corrupted your society and put some parasites in charge of the country. Fear to be deleted is what drived your country and led you to take choices like joining Adriatica, leaving Adriatica, trying to join Pacifica and when they rejected you, try to befriend Bulgaria/Macedonia/Spain/United Kingdom again. You decided to become puppets, yes puppets, puppets of USA, puppets of Greece, puppets of Croatia. They offered you mpps, they offered you a place amongst them and all they asked for it was renouncing to Bulgaria, Macedonia and Spain.

Today we are travelling here to remind you what you have forgotten, what you have done.

Less than a year ago we travelled to save you from the hands of Lithuania, we helped both Ireland and United Kingdom to raise again spending our resources, our damage, our blood in the battlefield to send a message that nobody was to mess with our allies no matter how tiny they were and that we would help them no matter the cost.
If you dont open your eyes to the sins commited by your people in the recent past, then keep fighting and keep living in a bubble where everything is proSerbia or proCroatia.
But if you have your own dignity... if you remember what we stood for, use this chance to start working for your country again, to Make Ireland Great Again and rise against those who have made it look like a prostitute just in order to not be deleted and i ask you to return to your senses and return to your duties and not allow this goverments or this people to ever rule again this beautiful nation and make it the good ally that it was long time ago on this fifth of March.

The only verdict is vengeance.

Few notes out of role:

1) In Spain we like Krakken, he named one of our people "culo de mono" (monkey ass) and we kept that name for him, he likes it, so we like him too xD.
2) A good summarize of this article is: Work for your country and remember why people outside of it worked long time go... and ask yourself why your old allies are invading you, because a Serbian AS is not enough to make two allies fight against each other.
3) Its eSpain custom to end artiles with a hot lady or man, so i will follow it and give you this one :3...

Soon you'll be able to wear this!

4) And finally, we wont be leaving Ireland unless you agree to our demands:
- We ask Alceo and Fenoglioteam to be returned to our country!
- Irish Alcohol supplies for at least a year.
- Three tons of leprechaun's gold.
- A potato with a super computer that wants to kill the universe because it is a potato.

Good bye o/