"La démocratie, c'est aussi le droit institutionnel de dire des bêtises"

Day 1,660, 11:54 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Archein von Drakenov

Good evening dear eSwiss,

I want first to congratulate Patar333 for his reelection to the supreme magistrature of the eConfederation.

But I would like to point something out...
Some of the candidates who were running to the same post were disloyal to the sacred principles of the democracy.

As François Mitterand (French President 1981-1995)

said in the title of this article "La démocratie, c'est aussi le droit institutionnel de dire des bêtises", (or in Shakespeare's language, "Democracy, it's also the institutional right to say silliness"),
I say that there is a limit to the silliness that could be said...

When some pretend to a thrown that NEVER existed, others use the foolish noobs by buying their votes or to use some computing skills to reach a goal, I want to say STOP ! STOP ! STOP ! STOPP ! СТОП ! 停止 ! ストップ ! עצור !

I official, and in a very clear mind, ask Festool and Sugawara Michizane TO EXPLAIN THEMSELVES ON THIS SUBJECT !

I ask this to protect our country, so vulnerable to PTOs, from these detractors to democracy . They also lied to some of the most honorable citizens of eSwitzerland ! I'm thinking of poor Dan who placed everything in Festool. Festool even told him that he was going to go FairPlay, without multies ! The result is here, Festool lost, and Dan is sad.

Thanks to Sgtchewy, I would to remind you that "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense." Article 11, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Otherwise, if he doesn't want to, NO ONE WANTS YOU TO PTO OUR COUNTRY, I want to say OUT ! DEHORS ! FUORI ! RAUS ! из ! 出 ! アウト ! החוצה !