[Prime Minister] OSL in effect and supplies coming

Day 2,149, 04:14 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Prime Minister Office

My fellow Australians

Let's get to it.

Thanks Dr Jardon for the hot logo!

Operation Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) is in effect

Every Private Australian Military Unit (PAMU) registered with DoDaNS is currently being supplied in accordance with their division and strength numbers under the OSL Charter.

Over the course of the Operation's tenure, the onus is on MU Commanders to track any suspicious usage and banish the offender to Hades as per the OSL Charter as outlined. In exchange, MU Commanders will, on behalf of their members, receive government supplies to distribute to them.

If your PAMU is not registered, contact Minister Pat McCrutch. The Australian Defence Force (ADF) was automatically changed over to Operation Charter supply levels when I enacted the order on my first day in office.

#brostralia foreign ally supply channel

Just a quick word to advise that I have given consideration to authorise #brostralia 's open and supply to our foreign friends. At this point I am leaning towards doing so, but will need to first seek the counsel of the Executive Team and especially Treasurer Infin and DoDaNS Minister McCrutch.

I am almost certain that a substantive part of that discussion will be whether or not we can obtain a 24-hour roster of Quartermasters. Obviously they will be paid in-kind for their time if they so desire. Contact Minister Pat McCrutch if you are prepared to serve in a QM capacity and aide your country.

What I can say at this point is that I want to see through the first wave of OSL supplies to our registered PAMU members completed first. I will obtain a briefing regarding that tomorrow and by that time will have a clearer picture.


Thanks to our fighting Australians, allies abroad and TWO priority setting, we achieved victory in Victoria over the Garuda fascists.

Today, we have opened South Australia (battle link) and that's currently underway. KH hasn't updated their orders yet but Campaign of the Day is set to SA. Get on it!

I had a family issue preventing the battle starting right on Day Change, but it was addressed just into the first hour. Thanks to Executive officers for their advice.

I contacted TWO command and notified them of the battle. Despite that message not getting through in time, we have had a great showing and at time of writing only 1 point down 5-6. With a dedicated citizenry, now well resourced, there is no excuse why we shouldn't win this battle, short of activity. Show your strength - show your might - we're going to win it or keep going until we do and then march into Java for the trouble!


I acknowledge a lack of confidence in the operation of the current Official eAustralian Forum. I have been lobbied for the better part of 2 months to create a new forum for the community. I'm bringing this up as a query of state because while I haven't agreed, what I will not do is even start to map it out without a clear, popular and decisive resolution to do so.

I wish to make it clear that while I have a view on a range of issues to do with this subject, as Prime Minister I am officially neutral. However, I will lead change if the majority truly want it.

Now's a good time to raise it for national discussion, realising of course that now I can do that. It is very much in your hands. Speak with one voice.

Today wasn't my best day. Tomorrow is a new one.

Inspirational Quote for the Day:

"If I liken the Pacific War to a football match, I can say to you that the first half is over, we have kicked off after the interval, and we are going to carry the ball into enemy territory for a smashing victory".
- Former Prime Minister John Curtin.

For the land of the Southern Cross o/

Mick Gatto
Prime Minister of eAustralia