[Presidential Statement] New Prime Minister

Day 878, 13:57 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

Dear fellow citizens,

After a discussion with current Prime Minister Flando, we, the government and I, have come to the conclusion that it is better for all parties involved if Flando would resign his post as Prime Minister. Flando has stated that Real Life circumstances make it difficult for him to continue his post as Prime Minister.

I want to thank Flando for his time and effort spend as Prime Minister of this country. I know that being such a leader is an ungratefull job but one that needs to be done. So thank you for that.


As a replacement we have asked AndreasIsaksson to become the new Prime Minister. He has agreed to this and i strongly believe that he is the right man for the job. AndreasIsaksson is the kind of ballbuster that we need right now to get our country forward.

I want to offer the new Prime Minister AndreasIsaksson my services, time and effort. Lets make a better eNetherlands.


Mitch President
President of the eNetherlands


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