Day 1,112, 06:37 Published in Montenegro Chile by NickName7
Извините,драги читаоци што данас неће бити новог броја новина Ратови еСвијета,јер смо сазнали једну много важнију вест,вест која ће продрмати цео свет.Зато молим све који прочитају чланак да притисну ВОТЕ,јер је ово најважнија вест дана у Црној Гори.

А ако желите да сазнате сва ратна дешавања у еСвету дајте ВОТЕ и овом чланку http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-110-1-111--1594036/1/20

Дођох ја сад на Ерепублик,као и сваког дана одрадих посао,тренирах и вратих се на почетну страницу да видим има ли шта ново.Погледах новине,све исто,погледах шотове и видех ово:

Brazil is out of Phoenix: http://goo.gl/nW0CC (линк до чланка је и овај http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-sulejmani-palavras-e-agradecimentos-presid-ecirc-ncia--1595687/1/20)

БИО САМ УЖАСНУТ!!!Притиснух линк из радозналости да видим ко је писао чланак,кад оно нико други до председник Бразила Sulejmani.По наслову ништа нисам могао да претпоставим ([Sulejmani] Palavras e Agradecimentos - Presidência!),али сам сумњао на најгорe по шоту,па потражих објашњење на енглеском:

Hello to all brazilians, civilians, military and congressmen,

Today is clear that I’ll be brazilian CP and I would like to thank you all.

Today is a day of changing. As you can see, in our restricted area in the forum, we opened the discussion for “What should be the brazilian path for now on” and the majority decided to leave our current alliance, PHX and stay in neutrality.

Many things happened this week. We showed our intentions to get some regions from South Africa and we saw the proximity of old allies, as in the case of USA. And a proximity with the countries we like to call brothers: Argentina and Indonesia, from the BIA alliance.
All support needed by them will ALWAYS be given.

Today eBrasil is making an option for neutrality and we wont take any fast decision which can ruin our relations with former allies and/or future allies.
Today we become free to walk with our own legs, decided by the people and will be done for my government. We are doing a big step, which can change the whole New World configuration.

We are a growing potency in economy, military and we are willing to deal with people that can support us as we can support them. We are not betraying anyone, we’ll only negociate bilateral deals to respect our integrity.

Its not a secret that eBrazil population don’t like Hungary, since they didn’t avoid the episode in Gauteng in august and supported a PTO group instead of his former ally, Brazil. It transformed Hungary in a country that ebrazilians don’t consider worth to help as all PHX members have to be if in need.

We saw the Hungary supporting an non-official PTO government, when us, like trully allies, accepted. We don’t believe in a country that uses the whole alliance to keep your own interests in first place.
We care for PHOENIX and for its countries, but not for Hungary, since just agreed on the brazilian attack in SA after seeing that we wouldnt retrieve our position this time. Unfortunately, we can’t stay in PHOENIX, coz we don’t share the same goals of hungarians at this moment. They made it clear in the past, we are making it clear now.

I would like to say that, now, we are opened for all countries with intentions to keep an good ally in battlefield or to get a new one. Like we did with USA, an american country like us, sharing the same religion (DIOISM) and which we can help in politics, economy and in military.

I would also like to remember, that our trully allies and friends won’t ever be forgotten and we will fight for them. I hope those who believe that are our friends get in touch with me or my MoFA, to talk about foreign affairs.

About the MPP with Romania, we asked them not to count on this voting, coz it probably won’t pass. But we hope we can start to build a mutual relation with, not only Romania, but all the countries interesteds on having Brazil at your side.

Today will be a day to remember.

At 21:30 (brazilian time) or 15:30 (erep time) we’ll officialy attack Northern Cape, África do Sul, this is a message for all citizens in that country. We have 3 regions goal and, this time, we wont give up.

I hope all brazilian population can be in the brazilian channels of the army asap, so we will be able to make it the best way.

About Ministery of Labor, we are working on a better organization for the stock companies of the army, putting the maximum amount in just few orgs. This way, we can make our production even better.

About Ministery of Defense, we’ll be soon give to the population a script that will be helpfull for everybody. It will be firstly available on Mozila Firefox, but we are already testing on Google Chrome. We want to get all modern and as fast as we can do it for you.

President of Brazil.

А сада да видимо суштину овог чланка:
-Бразил напушта Феникс и постаје “неутралан”,док не нађе савезнике.
- Постоји више разлога зашто Бразил напушта Феникс и то су:
1.Бразил је заинтересован за регије у Јужној Африци
2.Желе да обнове савез са САД,Аргентином и Индонезијом
3.Не крију тајну да не воле Мађаре,али и желе да им САД помогне у развоју државе
4.Бразил жели да потпише МПП са свим државама које желе Бразил за јаког савезника (помиње Румунију)
-Најважнија ствар овог чланка је то да ће Бразилци у 15.30 часова по Ерепублику напасти регију Јужне Африке и то Northern Cape, South Africa.Они ће покушати да освоје све три регије,које су зацртали у својим гоаловима.


И шта Црна Гора сада да уради.Да ли да потпише МПП са Бразилом,да доста новца и има нестабилног савезника или да остане неутрална.Питање тешко,одговор још тежи.Све је на Министарству одбране и Министарству спољних послова.А шта мисли народ?Дајте свој коментар.Хајде да власт чује и наш глас!!!

Рекли су ми у прошлом броју Ратова еСвијета да нагласим важне ствари за Црну Гору и ево је једна веома важна вест.ГЛАСАЈТЕ ДА ЧЛАНАК УЂЕ У ТОП 5.

Ваш обавештач,Seven Navy

PS. – Узео сам чланак од председника без питања,да би људи видели срамоту,али му се извињавам због тога.