[PCP] Pool Party time \o/

Day 2,249, 10:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Fellow Comrades,

Thank you for all the support and confidence that you have bestowed on me. My plans will be put in place over the next few days and they will be continually checked and improved in order to get the best out of them. I have already received a few messages from newer players who are looking to climb the ladder of politics and I will make sure that each one is given a fair and equal opportunity. Opportunities that won’t disorient them, but at the same time, will allow them to learn important skills that can be used to push us back into the spotlight as the best alternative party in the eUK.

This term will be about prioritisation. That is why my main goal will be about growing, as a party, via long-term schemes that will boost PCP as a community and transform it into a serious political opponent on the national stage. Therefore I have made a step-by-step guide on how I intend to achieve these goals...

1. Boost current, newer player activity through incentivisation and encouragement. This will give us something new and exciting to use as a base to persuade other new players to join us.

2. Increase recruitment articles created by the PP or by the new wave of potentials that want to, one day, lead PCP. This will increase recruitment as well as the recruitment drive. Also, by giving the new potentials the chance to write articles for the party, they will have the opportunity to show their ambition and ingenuity.

3. Retention will become a major factor. Entertainment activities will be put in place to keep newer players interested in PCP and eRepublik’s social aspects. Entertainment will be done through a schedule that will keep me up-to-date on the level of stagnation and activity that might occur.

4. Research will allow us to grow our knowledge of each social tier of our party and what they would like to see and how they react to certain parts of this term. For example, whether there is a higher number of old fags that join quizzes or newbs prefer article games. This research will come in the form of questionnaires and studies, this will allow us to balance the amount of activity from each social tier and create a, generally, more active party member base.

5. Meetings are a fundamental part of a successful term. There will be one each week in order to listen to the entire party and what they would like to see being introduced. Going to a meeting each meeting is not mandatory and, therefore, I won’t bug you about it for the entire term. However, if you are looking to prove that you are ambitious and active or you just want to see things implemented and ask me questions about why I choose to introduce certain policies then it would be recommended that you show your face (even if its for 5 minutes).

That was my entire 5 year policy plan. I can’t say that at the end of this term we will be the best of the best because it won’t be possible. All I am looking for is to set the course for PCP to gain it’s own deserved, bright future.

We did it little Rex 😃

Thank you for reading 🙂