[NE] The Danger of Starting a Fire

Day 2,098, 14:27 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

It has been a busy first couple of days for my office, hard at work over Google Docs making spreadsheets and forms for the party. With these tools we hope to advance our cause and identify the needs/wants of our membership. We’ve already completed our Congressional form that will go out in several days to help us put top quality active in office to represent New Era. Also we have completed our Membership Involvement survey to open up party leadership ranks to new people. The results of the survey and new leadership will be discussed later in this article

With that said, I personally believe that we are headed in the right direction in terms of activity and leadership changes. Several members never before involved in New Era’s day-to-day activities will soon be assisting with the task of running the party. Our next step, as we gear up for the upcoming Congressional election we hope to advocate for more maturity and professionalism within our own ranks and other parties as well, including TACO affiliates. With that said, I’d like to give you the official leadership stance on what I am dubbing this latest controversy, the fire and the fire brigade.

Due to AlexLloyd’s controversial ascension to power in the Freemasons, what was but a sparke has now ignited into a full blown fire spreading across the British political landscape.

AlexLloyd illegitimately took power of the party through a hostile political take-over, aimed simply at damaging the party and her members. As a reaction from this, certain elements of the Radical Democratic Party, the Freemasons and New Era have taken aggressive action towards the Royal Army Dental Corps and parties such as the UKPP due to suspicion of their involvement in the take-over, whilst elements of the TUP, the UKRP, PCP and the UKPP have taken up arms against the political leadership in New Era and the RDP, creating chaos in the British community.
This can be seen happening everywhere: on the IRC, on the forums, on articles, in the congress, in shouts and so on.
Whilst the Freemasons seek revenge for losing their party, the opposition wants to discredit them, the RDP, and New Era due to the actions of a minority.

I strongly believe that if we allow this fire to keep burning, it will spread like wildfire across all parties and lay waste to much more than those who fuel it fathom.
That’s the danger of starting a fire, you never know how many bridges you’ll burn.

While others are fuelling the ongoing fire, we wish to act as your hypothetical fire brigade, to help extinguish the flames that the PTO has unleashed on the political landscape.
I want it to be made perfectly clear that New Era condemns the PTO of the Freemasons by AlexLloyd and his followers. It was an act of disgrace and injustice, and it cannot be justified by any means.
On the other hand, however, the hostile actions being taken or being planned in the form of further political tampering are a hindrance on progress and this is coming from all of the major political parties.

There is little to nothing we can do to resolve the issue regarding the political take-over until the next party presidential elections, however, we can do something about the acts of hostility seen ongoing in the British political landscape.
New Era will never work with Alex or his supporters, we will never support them. But nor can we tolerate ruthless and rushed hostile action by any member of any political party in the country.
I want to make it perfectly clear for everyone in this country that we condemn both the PTO and those fanning the flames regarding it.

To prevent future catastrophes such as this, I will be engaging in conversation with party presidents across the country in regards to combating further political take-overs of British parties in the future, in order to support the integrity of all British parties. No matter the disputes political parties may have, actions such as political take-overs can simply not be justified.
As a result of this, I would like to announce that I will do my best trying to provide mobile voters from New Era to liberate the Freemasons in the next month’s elections, and as such it is also my obligation to raise mobile voters to combat any other potential PTO’s among British parties, regardless of whom the party may support, or who the hostile groups attempting the coup may be.

Just as a fire is extinguished with water, the easiest way to combat political chaos is through diplomacy, honesty, and keeping a level head.

After receiving responses to our party involvement form, I have set up a new council in New Era that will be looking to guide our party this month. Their qualities were objectively assessed based on their responses to our survey, and I believe they can prove quite useful to New Era in the future.

Our new leadership structure is as follows:

Party President: ChewChewShoe
Vice President: Wes Lewis
Secretary General: Wigibob
Councillor: Michele Battaglia
Spokesman: NuclearNinja

Wes Lewis has previously served as president in Canada, and he has held various other governmental positions.He came back to eRepublik rather recently after taking a lengthy break for well over a year and he will be looking to assist us when it comes to party organization, communication, publication, education and community work.

Wigibob is a former New Era PP, he also took second place in this last election losing to me, he is an active member of New Era and will be very helpful to the party. I am glad to have his opinion within the council and hope he can help influence positive change for the party.

Michele Battagila is new to the New Era leadership, one of the applicants through the involvement form I feel Michele has the ambition and drive to help grow the party and become a leading member of the party in the process.

NuclearNinja also comes from the same background as Michele, having filled out the involvement form I feel ninja will make a great spokesperson and hope to see pure quality publications from him.

We would very much like to welcome our members and other interesting people onto our IRC channel, which you can find on rizon. Our channel name is #NewEra. We will be looking to hold several community activities such as quiz evenings, various games and competitions with prizes and just relaxed and enjoyable banter on here in the future. If you’re not familiar on how to use IRC, you can find a guide by clicking here..
We would also enjoy having a larger presence on the British national forums, which you can find by clicking here.
Once you’ve joined we really would encourage you to request access to the New Era party forums.

Not a member of New Era yet?

New Era is a party valuing individual liberties, which is actively working for the progression of the eUnited Kingdom through means of promoting a strong, friendly and helpful community, diverse government and free thinking.

Join our diverse and democratic movement for free choice today!

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

"I decline utterly to be impartial as between the fire brigade and the fire." -Winston Churchill
