[MVP] Winter is coming?

Day 3,897, 03:47 Published in Croatia Greece by Croatian Foreign Office

English version below


Pozdrav svim građanima i prijateljima eHrvatske!

Farmanje nije zabavno pa smo dana 3893 odlučili poslati AS na Peru:

Dan poslije (3894) stigao je odgovor:

Srpski NE

Zatim Tajland šalje AS na Srbiju (3895)

day 3895
Sletjeli smo u Viktoriju, australsku regiju pod okupacijom Perua

Nekoliko tjedana ranije Peru je izbačen iz Irske. Izbacivanje je prošlo poprilično glatko jer im saveznici nisu pretjerano pomogli.
U sred ljeta postalo je prevruće tu na sjevernoj hemisferi pa smo odlučili odletjeti južnije kako bi uživali u australskoj zimi 🙂

Slijetanje smo započeli negdje oko DC-a. Za njih je još bila noć i nisu računali na naš napa😛


Već u prvoj rundi D2 i D3 ušle su u epic

u drugoj rundi D2 i D4 ušle su u epic, pa je rezultat na kraju druge runde bio 34 : 0.

U 4. rundi pokušali su pobijediti uz pomoć CO-a ali bez uspjeha. Zatvorili smo je rezultatom 67 : 0.

Ono što je iznenađujuće i izgleda jako dobro na slikama, Poljska je ona koja se najviše bori, iako nisu službeno dio Asterije, već vodeći član Pacifice, umjesto nominiranog čelnika SAD-a.
Zapravo, Poljska je čitavo vrijeme vođa, sada svi to vide. A pitanje je vremena kada će Poljacima njihov stvarni gospodar dopustiti priključenje i tada će svi saveznici ostati odbačeni sa strane. Preočito je da je čitava Pacifica imala zapovijed boriti se na strani Perua. Zašto oni sebe uopće zovu Pacificom? Pacifica već odavno ne postoji.

Još jedan dokaz:

Rumunjski AS na Australiju.

Ministrica vanjskih poslova eHrvatske

Farming is boring so on day 3893 we proposed a law

AS Peru

on day 3894 we got the answer

Serbian NE

Thai AS to Serbia

day 3895

We started to land Peru's Australian regions in Victoria.

Few weeks ago Peru was removed from Ireland, where we could see they didn’t get any significant help from their allies. In the middle of the summer it started to be too hot in here in the northern hemisphere so we flew to the south to enjoy the Australian winter.

Our landing started around DC time. For them it was night so they didn’t count on our attack


Already in the first round D2 and D3 became epic

then in the second round D2 and D4 were epic and the second round was closed at 34 /0 result.

They tried to win the 4th round with the help of CO, but they lost again. We closed it at 67/0

What is surprising and it looks very good on the pictures, Poland is the one who fight most, although they are not officially part of Asteria but the leading member of Pacifica, instead of the the nominal leader USA. All the time they were the leaders, now everyone sees it. The only question is when they will be allowed to join their real owner and leave all other allied countries aside. Pacifica’s military orders were obviously on Peru's side.
Why do they call themselves Pacifica? Pacifica died long ago.

This also shows it:

Romanian AS to Australia

Minister of Foreign Affairs of eCroatia