[MoEnt] Here be voting!

Day 2,567, 11:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment


Following your very err...enthusiastic approach to the pet competition, we have assembled a huge list of all yer lovely pets!

So here are the entries:

Rob the Bruce's dog:

Personally, I'm a cat person, but I have to say that Rob's dog is insanely cute.
Browny points for cuteosity.

Jude Connor's rock:

Despite being a bit of an unconventional pet, Jude's rock certainly is fancy. I mean, look at that font!

CptChazbeard's Dog:

Why u so big image?

Polly sounds like a damn cool dog!
Also, Chaz shops at Waitroise. Hail the Waitrose master race!

Pannonian Nomad's dragons:

Seems legit, maybe he means bearded dragons or something?


You certainly have some economic pets there...
Plus points for Lego.
Minus points for those curtains or whatever they are...

Horice G Fossil's badgers:

Freakin' hawt.

I don't even know what to say.


So I ventured from the land of eRepublik and Plato, and went to Google sheets. There I made this cool voting thing, on it you can vote for your favourite pet.

Click here to vote.
Please comment who you voted for or your vote won't be counted.
Alternatively you can just message me.

Just as a reminder, here's what's in it for you lot:

1st place pet-
55 Q7 weapons.
Your pet wins the admiration of a nation.

2nd place pet-
45 Q7 weapons.
Not as much admiration.

3rd place pet-
40 Q7 weapons.
Still less admiration.

4th place pet-
35 Q7 weapons.
Even less admiration, but your pet is still pretty cool.

5th place pet-
30 Q7 weapons.
Your pet is still pretty cool.

Good luck to all the entries!

Bye 😉
Your current MoEnt team: gali2332 and VoodooMike71

Do us a favour. Vote! Sub! Shout! And now endorse!