[MoEnt] Creative Writing Contest & WW

Day 5,778, 03:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment


Inspired by this article (which must be inspired by the lack of Spam on the shelves?) We at the MoEnt have decided to pick up the suggestion made in the comments and run an eUK Creative Writing Contest!

In order to enter, publish an article with your story, PM it to me or type it up on Drive for sharing.

A panel of THREE EXPERT JUDGES will review each entry and choose a winner. The winning author will win a cash prize! (Info below).

Judges and prizes!

The three judges will be: Eerte (Author), Sambo223 (MoEnt) and The president, AMD. The winning entry will be announced in Eerte’s newspaper.

There is a prize pot generously contributed to by Sir Humphrey Appleby, Eerte and the gregarious Minister of Finance. The size of the prize will scale up depending on the number of participants:

1-2 Participants - 50k prize
3-5 Participants - 100k prize
6-9 Participants - 200k prize
10+ Participants - 250k prize


You must be an eUK Citizen to participate.

You must author the work - any hint of AI produced text will be judged with extreme prejudice!

It can be as long or as short as you like, but remember we have to read it.

Entries must be made by day 5786 (Saturday 23rd).

True to form we cannot helps ourselves at the MoEnt… so it is time for another Where’s Woldy! (Trademarked). Simply comment below where you think Mr Woldy is today, and 50Q7 guns will be on their way to the first three people to get the right answer.

In the meantime, watch out for any Gov shouts and games moving through the national feeds and watch this space.

Sambo223 (MoEnt).