[MoCHE] A New Start

Day 2,961, 11:56 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura


My name is Athena, and I am the new eJapan Minister of Culture, History, and Education.

For everyone who doesn't know me, I've been playing the game since 2009, but only in my current state since this past July. Even in that short time, I've seen our nation change a tremendous amount, and it makes me so happy to be in a position where I can work to bring people together. I am second in command of eJapan's third largest military unit, Tsunami, and a very active member of the United Lolies of Japan, eJapan's oldest political party. Thank you for having me.

As the new MoCHE I want to do my part to help connect people to their government, and to that end, I hope to be very active both here and abroad representing eJapan to my absolute best. Some of the things I would like to do is:

-Start a series detailing eJapan and our foreign relations, including our neighbors and our allies in Nebula and Asteria.

-Kickstart eJapan's welfare programs, providing food and weapons to active citizens and loans or one-time donations to new players.

-Did You Know Japan Facts and Trivia

-eJapan events that align with RL Japan holidays, such as Tanabata

-Empress Day (of course)

-Quarterly and Yearly anime awards

-This Day in History segments about eJapan History

Of course, all of this won't be possible without a crew to help me, so consider this a call for staff! I'm looking for active and dedicated players to help me staff the department and help me with research, logistics, and of course content creation! Your help is desperately needed!

Also, there is a need for serbian-speaking staff as well! I want it to be my goal to reach as many of eJapan's citizens as I can, and a sizable population of the serbian-only population doesn't deserve to be left without access to their government. If someone bilingual would be willing to help me translate or summarize important content, I would be very grateful!

I'm going to end this here. But I hope to be the cornerstone for piece, the beginning in a long line of people on both sides of the table to come together and begin to heal this nation of its deep, deep wounds. It's going to take a long time before any progress is reached, and I'm aware each side has tried countless times in the past before. But the only way we are going to move forward and coexist as a nation is if we keep trying together, and on my life here in eJapan, I truly believe we will be there someday.

Until next time!