[MA] When I grow up I wanna be a president

Day 995, 12:43 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli

Yeah right..

Disclaimer: no pics, I am lazy. I wanted to publish this while pics were disabled so I have proper excuse but meh..

OK guise, I hate typing stuff so I will try being brief as possible. I have candidated for PP of All Dios Here. Last elections we lost this party cos people were lazy and no one put effort and 2g to candidate. I thought same thing will happen this month too so I gave my 2g (not like I use my money anyway) to candidate and prevent another PTO of this party. Ofc I didn't do it randomly. I asked Daniel if I can candidate, as party is his creation, he gave me green light. I informed mr. Dictator too, bec dictators like to have all strings in their hands. So basically, if there is no counter-candidate, this party is Dioist party again. I will rename party back to Stone Ocean, if someone wants different name, say it. Gold from party I wont use except if I am told to do it by AC or DDimow, maybe Collinar too, bec he is MoDA after all (so his position at least have some role 🙂 ).

This doesn't mean I am planning to put a lot of effort in ePakistan politics. I simply don't have time for that, and besides, game is annoying me royally cos of these bugs/hacks/bots.

As for PTO threat from Ukrainians, I found it really funny. They "lost" their country to PTO (tho I am pretty sure there were pro-phx Ukrainians, but I really don't care enough to investigate, if someone did, say it, i will add) so they decided to PTO pakistan and remove Serbia from Sindh so EDEN gets upper hand here. So far this PTO attempt is a joke. I am pretty sure they do have multies (this is not accusation, just a thought, I could care less about accusing someone for something) but it's irrelevant. Problem is if some of these Poles decide they want to PTO pakistan. Person who has no problems in making 5k fakes will have no probs in making 200 (using names bases/generators instead of just putting random number so its not as obvious as current pole families are) who would TO Pakistan easily.

Also, regarding Lord Fahran thingy. Yup, I gave him cit. He gave me when I came here, I didnt see why I shouldn't. His "fight" with Abu Zar I didn't really notice. Imo he's OK guy. But, if he really made arrangement with PTO'ers, it's very lame and done w/o much thinking. With PTOers we should make no negotiations, it simply won't work. If you are asking why, ask CDV or Nagyzee in Malaysia 🙂

As for hacks/bugs, they are annoying but also amusing. One of most recent is Galicia, Hungary. Huns teleported into that region just be4 their prez got hacked, so admins decided to give them their rightfully owned region. Rest fixes are ok. GG to fellow Pakistanis on fighting Romanians, we finally had a battle, after months of doing nothing.

For the end, someone plz fix this: The budget of your country has reached a low level and cannot support anymore the citizen fee of the next 500 new citizens in your country. It's annoying.

India is pig disgusting.
PTO is noobish.
Serbia is awesome.
Kistru retired (my bet he's back in 20 days tops)
Dio is glorious.


MorbidAngel (imagine its cool pic sig like mr. Dictator has)