[MA] Closing report

Day 1,601, 06:45 Published in Pakistan Serbia by bozli
QUETTA, China - Gentlemen, this is the end of a 2 month trip we had. I must say I am not happy, things were started, but not much really changed, at least to the general public. But before I start with anything, I want to congratulate zaf on winning the elections. He was quite involved during my 2nd term so I'm sure his adaptation period will be short.

The only chapter that was closed this month was the one with National orgs. We had no access to them for months (close to a year), and admins finally replied on my 2nd ticket and gave them back. The only unresolved org is one of 3 SSG orgs which got banned few months ago, but I hadn't been able to retrieve it yet, as admins refuse to unban it.

Congress was supposed to happen, but it didn't. Yes, China erased us, but that wasn't the major issue. It could have been prevented. We had no congress due a two-months old bug which admins keep ignoring. Iran and Venezuela also suffered because of it.

After China erasing us, we are in contact with their officials and I hope this month we will finally see Pakistan on the map permanently.

SSG was supposed to be my tool for animating the country to participate more, but because we had no communes, it couldn't happen. So I tried to involve some active people in govt business. As you can see from zaf's cabinet, there are a couple of "new" faces in govt. Also, Alien became the new commander of PAF, after sora quitting from active play.

This month I will also reduce activity by a bit. The next two months will be pain for me as I have to close one of the chapters in my life, university, so it gotta be smooth. As you can see, this article is posted quite late, as it reflects how much effort I can put into this game. I will still help out zaf as MoFA, mainly because there are still some unresolved things which I had no time of informing people about. Talking is so much less time-consuming than operating a whole country, so it should be okay.

Again, I am sure zaf will be great president and I wish him best of luck. As for others, I will use one counterstrike quote which my buddy and I used a few days ago when we quit one exam due to the lack of time: Stick together team!

Signing out,
a former dictator.