[La transvolata] Intervista a Pablo Ernesto Ortega Ocando, SoFA di Adriatica

Day 3,369, 06:09 Published in Italy Cyprus by Francesco Baracca 88

Continua la mia serie di interviste a giocatori di altre nazioni (alleate ovviamente).

Oggi è il turno di Pablo Ernesto Ortega Ocando (https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5034631), MoFA* Venezuelano nello scorso mandato (Gennaio), e SoFA** di "Adriatica" (alleanza formata da Venezuela, Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Uruguay,Cipro, Egitto, Georgia), che è alleata con l'alleanza di cui facciamo parte, "Syndicate" (formata da Italia, Grecia, Croazia, Turchia, Argentina, Ucraina, Cile e Brasile).

* Ministro degli affari esteri
** Segretario degli affari esteri

1) Write a presentation of you, and your e-life since birth

Pablo) I am an idealist player, who has sincerely believed that it´s possible to have a nobler and cleaner policy in eRepublik than RL politics. But my experience in the game, both as a minister and as an opposition candidate to CP, has taught me the opposite. But always are honest people working for their countries.

2) do you are a CP for Venezuela, or other nation? Do you have other government role?

Pablo) I was never CP of Venezuela, less of other nations, but I was presidential candidate three times. I have been MoFA twice, vMoD and vMoE, eternal Minister of Communication and also Minister of Culture for one month. Right now I am vCP.

3) What are the biggest venezuela parties? Are you a member of any party?

Pablo) Currently they are Democracia Proactiva (center-right), Comando Nacional Democrático (center-left) and Nuevas Generaciones (populist center).
I'm from NNGG. It is a decadent party, without much internal life, but calm and without troubles, under the firm direction of Salena. Formerly I was, for almost a year, much time ago, the absolute leader of the oldest party of eVenezuela, the Partido Democrático de Venezuela (center-right), but several crises (TakeOver and internal struggles) ended up leading to the party's division and disappearance.

4) what are the greatest MU? Are you a member of any MU?

Pablo) The FAV, my MU, but I'm not very active inside it. ER is a Pay2Win after all, and I do not have much interest in my military strength. I just need to be a tank in D1.

6) Describe the venezuela community

Pablo) Increasingly small and jaded of the game, of so many invasions suffered, and having to deal with their big RL problems more than ever. The old party system of 2012-2013 no longer exists. There is consensus on all important issues, but this consensus is not a sign of vitality, it´s a sign of decline.

5) what are the greatest enemies of venezuela?

Pablo) Right now, Slovenia. Maybe Peru, the only great country Asteria in America. In the future, I think it could be Serbia. Historically, Portugal has caused us many problems and we needed Spain to get them expelled (when I was a new player), but now we get along with them. They are respectful people after all And they have fulfilled their agreements.

6) who are the best allies / friends of venezuela?

Pablo) Cyprus, Egypt, Georgia, Argentina, Chile, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Brazil.

7) What do you like most about erepublik? And the things that you hate / do not like of erep?

Pablo) Formerly I liked the national politics and the international game of alliances. But every time the game has been disenchanting me more. I even spent several months without even logging in.

8 ) what do you think about Pacifica and her position in the war between Asteria and Syndicate / Adriatica?

Pablo) Right now Pacifica is very undecided among the pro-Asteria, the neutrals happy with their TW, and the pro-Syndra. We believe that the Slovenia-USA MPP is very worrying in that regard. In my opinion, Pacifica must make a decision soon, or after Asteria ends Syndra, they will be next. Pacifica doesn´t remember what happened with CoT after TWO stopped needing them against EDEN.

9) Do you think that one day Asteria will defeat?

Pablo) Of course. Whether Syndicate and Adriatica alone we can beat them, be it an Adriatica-Pacifica-Syndicate Triple Alliance, or the himself Asteria´s internal divisions (as happened with TWO), all the great alliances of the game ended up falling. It´s an endless war.