[KHMC] Do you like guns? Join the Knight Hawks!

Day 2,710, 04:57 Published in Australia Canada by Ilene Dover

Listen up citizens! For sulking in public, Callumh123 has been demoted. Until the paperwork arrives, he will submit to my orders. Expect some changes around here!!

Like our strange cousins in the US, we believe...

NO! Not that sort you idiot. This sort!

To celebrate the festival of violence that will soon be unleashed against the government we are opening the door to our armoury.

To all loyal and true Knight Hawks, present your identification papers to receive 10 Q7 weapons. That means you need to join the political wing AND military wing.


The yeomen of signals has just passed me a note. To all citizens of Australia, you are hereby notified that the return of The King is imminent. All loyal and true Knight Hawks will be issued a further 15 Q7 weapons after the imminent coup. This is so you maggots have something shiny for parade!!

Teennnn, Hut!!!!