[IPC] Vote for Derakor on May 5th, 2018!

Day 3,816, 05:38 Published in Canada Canada by Derakor

To all Canadians far and wide, I, Derakor, wish to announce my run for President of Canada. Am I likely to get it? No, however it's important to stand for what you believe in, and try to achieve those goals.

As already mentioned in another article by one NerfMinions: Article Here, the goals are very... ambitious, and require actual activity to do. These being, for those not wanting to read another article:

1) Nationalism (or the Reinstitution of National Pride): The IPC wants to make Canadians Proud to be Canadian again, and give them purpose to focus on Canada, and its interests, primarily, in ALL aspects.
2) Activity: The IPC wants to promote, and help make Canada active, and full of a positive encouraging environment for all.
3) Expansion: The IPC wants to see Canada become the True, North, Strong, and Free Empire it is destined to be, by even having territory abroad.
4: Strength: The IPC wishes to strengthen and maintain a large, and active, Military Force, and focus on the needs of that military to achieve Security, and possible Expansion.

Some of you are saying "Well how do we do that Derakor? Too many vets have left, and it's a dead game so why try?" to which I say, nothing is dead until finality. So long as the game exists, then try we must! However, besides some fluff, here's what the plan is:

1) Re-institute, and ratify, a new Constitution to clear up and organize our society the way it used to be;
2) Push for the Official use of the Wellness Assistance Program by the Ministry of Health;
3) Ensure that the National Armament Program is fully funded and distribution completed by the Ministry of War (Currently Ministry of Offense);
4) Introduce a new way to organize our Armed Forces with regards to the mechanics and the MU system, which would be run by an Umbrella Corporation/Group named the Canadian Forces;
5) Introduce new taxes in order to help fund our treasury better, and protect our market from Foreign flooding; and
6) Push for the strengthening of Canada through said previous programs, with the goal of ending our Serbian and Romanian dependence for Security stability.

Now I don't have a Cabinet list, mostly because I don't know who is still willing to try, and I don't want to hand out Cabinet positions to my party only. This is a team effort, and I want people that are willing to WORK, and do so WITH ME in order to achieve these challenging goals. My Cabinet Positions, to which you can PM me if you are interested in the job, and I can give you a full description via PM (once you PM me with interest) are as follows (in order of chain of command)

Prime Minister:
-- Deputy Prime Minister:

Minister of War:
-- Deputy Minister of War:

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
-- Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Minister of Health:
-- Deputy Minister of Health:

Minister of Culture, and Education:
-- Deputy Minister of Culture, and Education:

Speaker of Congress (A.K.A. Governor):
-- Deputy Speaker of Congress:

Experience? Not required, but encouraged, however it's not important how well you know it, but how quickly and well you're willing to learn if you don't know it. This team will be working together, and will strive to do it's best for the Country and not just for our own Political gains.

Well I hope to hear some responses and interest in positions. It's first come first serve so... but if you plan to serve, ensure you have a small amount of time to do so, and be ready to commit to the idea.

We want a Canada that is going somewhere, and has a future. Let's do our best to strive for so. Vote Derakor in the upcoming Election!

For Unity, for Loyalty, for Strength, for Canada!

Want to be part of the True North Strong and Free? Come join the IPC: Imperial Party of Canada, if you have questions PM me, and we can have a talk.

To everyone regardless of party lines; don't forget we have a couple programs that offer free food, and weapons, and there's even a house draw to get high quality houses for a steal: WAP, NAP, and House Draw!