[IPC] Activity through Unity!

Day 3,808, 08:29 Published in Canada Canada by Derakor

Well, I think it's about time for another update from the Imperial Party of Canada.



The Imperial Party of Canada, or IPC, has gone from 3rd ranking party with 16 members to 2nd ranking party in Canada, with 27 members currently! Awesome, but our job isn't done simply with having numbers, but having numbers that actually make a difference through activity in fights, and in votes!

Last Party Presidential Elections for example only had 12 people voting, which should of had all 24 members we had at that time voting! Whether you think your vote doesn't count, or you know the person you want to get in will win, you SHOULD vote to show either your solidarity, or show the one who won that you need to be impressed and will be there to criticize should he fail.

Voting is a priviledge we should all hold dear so that we can have success and victory, and have our agenda on the table to move forward, and push Canada to be better.

Joining an MU, whether its our own 501st Legion, or any of the other ones, they are great opportunities to get more involved and to even get some weapons.

We want you guys to be active so we can bring Canada up from the desolate social landscape it is now, to a country that could rival others in the world without the need of large friends to protect us.

This is a long term vision however, and won't happen over night. I just want to encourage you all to try, that's all I'm asking. If you're part of this party, give some time and effort into making it worth your while, and Canada will benefit from it!

For Unity, for Loyalty, for Strength, for Canada!

Want to be part of the True North Strong and Free? Come join the IPC: Imperial Party of Canada, if you have questions PM me, and we can have a talk.

To everyone regardless of party lines; don't forget we have a couple programs that offer free food, and weapons, and there's even a house draw to get high quality houses for a steal: WAP, NAP, and House Draw!