[ID4CP] A foreign affair

Day 3,363, 01:47 Published in USA Canada by Ilene Dover

As promised, an article on foreign affairs and why Wild Owl should be put back into the Secretary of State. This one is more text and less pictures that previous efforts. If that’s not your thing, please skip to the comments or hit the vote button on your way out. Thanks for dropping by!

Our Foreign Affairs policy has been inconsistent and confusing for the past couple of months. I have alluded to this in previous articles. There are odd snippets that leak from Cabinet as a result.

Things like abandoning the campaign for the United Kingdom and having a Training War with Spain (side note, that will cost us pretty much all our MPPs with Asteria member countries).

Things like negotiating a peace with Orion (that is the UK, Canada, Netherlands, Lithuania etc) and hosting a training war with the UK in our cores.

Things like leaving our recent friends Ireland excluded from negotiations and throwing them to the wolves.

That’s enough for me. Even if these are only rumours or half truths that’s enough. We need to stop meandering around without a plan and reset to the last time things were working in our favour. Therefore, the return of Wild Owl makes a lot of sense.

If you follow international affairs, it will be painfully obvious to you that Pacifica is just as confused and disorganised as we are as an individual nation. It’s not working. There are three ways this can go.
    1. We suck it up and see if there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
    2. We quit and do something else.
    3. We change Pacifica.

Honestly, I’m not sure what the best thing to do is. Maybe things will become clearer once the full details of the current situation are apparent. There’s nobody I’d rather have at my side than WIld Owl in such an uncertain situation. He can see his way through a complex maze of complications better than anyone else I know in this game.

The second Resource Wars finished nearly a year ago. To date, I’ve seen nobody even think about fixing this problem.

I have a plan to fill that glaring and magnetic hole. I can’t write any more about it, because then the conditions will change and it won’t work. I need your trust on this, and your participation when it’s time to act.