[ID] Brings you bird facts

Day 1,951, 07:42 Published in Sweden Sweden by Slapface

Bird facts! I know alot about birds, so I thought I would share some of my knowledge about them to you guise [:

This is what bird fanatics call a rainbow bird, they are well known for there massive beaks.

This little birdy waz first found in the deserts of Egypt. They call it the Desert Snake, it got the name cuz of how it digs under the sand and moves

This bird likes the cold climate and always flys to tha north pole during summers and sometimes even on winters, It haz to do with it's feathers, they are really good at stealing heat from things.

This bird is known for attacking people in Swarm and eating them, even the bones. It haz been called alot of things, Devil bird,kraken,T-REX but its known to most people as Enenra.