[IA] Presidential candidate - April 2012

Day 1,596, 03:53 Published in South Africa South Africa by mulderpf

So it appears that the IA is the only party supporting a presidential candidate this month.

After Wincenty1's announcement that the SADP will be supporting Belea and his questioning of what makes up an active citizen, he withdrew his candidacy for the new president of eSouth Africa.

This is completely and utterly disappointing that there's only a single candidate this month. It makes my e-life as party president and Minister of Security absolutely a walk in the park, but as a citizen of eSouth Africa, this is just crappy.

Is it that Steven Bosch is such an outstanding candidate for the presidency that other parties just couldn't find someone to compete with, or is it that the other parties are sleeping and just didn't actually bother about it. I think it's the second, because other than the IA, nobody else is supporting any candidates (you don't have to support candidates in your own party only - you could have also supported Mr Kitty).

Wake up - boring party politics is boring. The IA is the only party out there that tries and after the dismal results of the congress elections and the non-supporting of presidential candidates, this goes to prove it yet again. Come on OOPS, and Patriots and Unions something or the other party - you are neck-on-neck on becoming the official opposition party, but you couldn't even muster up a suitable candidate, not even between the three of you.

So onto more positive things, our Mr Kitty (Steven Bosch):

Since he is the only candidate, I don't have to do much to convince you to vote for him, but I thought I'd just point out some great things about him any way...

* He is diplomacy personified.
* He is exceptionally active and his cool and calm spirit influences those around him
* His medals also prove his activity: 20x hard worker; 15x congress; 3x country president; 26x super soldier
* He has been with the country through thick and thin only has the country's best interests at heart.

I can't even say good luck Steven Bosch, but I can say you definitely deserve it.

Here's to another term with an IA president!!
